Bennett Turan
Self-care shouldn’t be defined in a certain manner. Self-care means a lot of different things. Finding the right self-care routine for myself felt like a struggle for a long time. Everyone had their own input on what would make me feel better. For a long time, self-care was a foreign concept. I was always on the go. Whether I was running or studying, there was always something going on. In the last year, however, I’ve really started to find my peace. Listening to the music I enjoy in the morning, taking a walk outside, and setting aside time to meditate and reflect on where I am in life have become key parts of my routine.
I’ve come to accept that a large majority of the things that happen in life are not within my control. An eye-opening moment for me was realizing that it’s not so much about what happens to me but how I handle myself in those situations. The angst I felt for a long time has started to wither away through my own self-care. I’ve learned to understand the importance of boundaries—it’s okay to say no when something doesn’t feel right.
At the end of the day, I hope everyone can find the self-care practices that work for them. We carry around so much more than we need to, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. That’s what self-care is for.