QPR Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program

A free program for anyone who may be in a position to prevent suicide

Register for a FREE QPR Training Session (each session is limited to 25 participants):
April 9, 2025 ~ 4:00 pm-5:30pm – General Audience
April 23, 2025 ~ 11:30am-1:00pm – General Audience
May 7, 2025 ~ 4:00 pm-5:30pm – General Audience
May 21, 2025 ~ 11:30am-1:00 pm – General Audience

**all QPR times are Eastern Time

What is QPR Training?

As someone who may be in the best possible position to prevent suicide—parent, caregiver, teacher, coach, mentor–you will find that QPR is designed to help you save a life.

  1. Question – a person about suicide
  2. Persuade – someone to get help
  3. Refer – someone to appropriate resources

QPR is NOT a form of counseling or treatment.

QPR is intended to offer hope through positive action.

•By learning QPR, you will come to recognize warning signs, clues, and suicidal communication so you can identify people in trouble and act vigorously to prevent a possible tragedy.

Independent researchers and federal agencies have suggested that QPR intervention could be useful in far broader applications – recognizing a person who needs professional help but is not suicidal.

As CPR is for the HEART, QPR is for the MIND!

Now more than ever, knowing the basics of suicide prevention and how to have the conversation about it can help those struggling with isolation and fear.

This training has been adapted to a teleconference format.

Help us stop the stigma.

Stop the Stigma.

Start the Conversation.

Get in Touch