Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
Teaching the necessary skills for effective management of challenges and stress
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and tools necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

- Positive Penguins: $3.99
- Smiling Mind: Free, (Child-focused)
- Emotionary: $1.99, (Dealing with emotions)
- Live Happy: $0.99, (Designed by Primary age teachers)
- Mind Up
- Tools of the Mind
- The Incredible Years
- I Can Problem Solve
- Open Circle
- Responsive classroom
- Steps to Respect
- Those Shoes, Maribeth Boelts
- The Mindful Child, Susan Kaiser Greenland
- The Compassion Classroom: Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson
- Middle School Confidential: $2.99, (Middle School focus)
- Emotionary: $1.99, (Dealing with emotions)
- Live Happy: $0.99, (Designed by Primary age teachers)
- Responsive classroom
- Second Step
- Youth & Opportunity United
- SEL activities for middle and high school students
- 4Rs
- George Lucus Education Foundation—EDUTOPIA
- 13 powerful SEL Activities for High School Student
- Youth & Opportunity United–pdf
- SEL activities for middle and high school students
- Facing History and Ourselves–facinghistory.org
- Wide range of classroom resources in a variety of topics
- Student Success Skills–studentsuccessskills.com
- Classroom manual to introduce strategies to better master regular curriculum and develop healthy habits, caring relationships and encourage classroom communities.