Short Educational Videos
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Click on the tabs below to see all the video segments for each topic.

Dr. Dan Nelson – Medical Director, Child Psychiatry Unit, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital (CCHMC)
Dr. Dan Nelson speaks on the importance of early childhood brain development and the issues parents should be aware of.
- Trends in Early Childhood Brain Health
- Importance of Social Development from 2-11
- How are Symptoms for Young Children Different than those of Adolescents? Are There Red Flags we Should Look For
- Creating Resiliency in Children
- Changes in Brain Health Over Last 5 Years
- What is Important for Parents and Community Members to Know about Early Childhood Development and their Mental Health
- Recommendations for Supporting Healthier Development in Early Childhood
- How Can a Child’s Pediatrician Help?
- Impact of Drugs and Alcohol in Pre-Teen and Teenage Years
Dr. Michael Sorter, Medical Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, CCHMC
Dr. Sorter discusses current trends in youth brain health and disorders both locally and nationally.
- Trends in Youth Brain Health and Brain Disorders
- How Can Parents and Other Supportive Adults Support Children with Brain Disorders?
- Trends in Brain Health at CCHMC
- Statistics that Everyone Should Know
- What are the Advances in Brain Science we Should be Aware Of?
- What are the Differences Between Normal Adolescents and Symptoms that Should be Concerning? Are There Red Flags Parents and Community Members Should be Aware of for Mental Health Conditions
Dr. Michael Sorter, Medical Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, CCHMC
Nancy Eigel-Miller, Executive Director & Founder, 1N5
Nancy Eigel-Miller and Dr. Sorter discuss how to create a positive mental health environment in our schools.
- What Steps do you Think are Necessary for a School to Take to Ensure a Positive Mental Health Environment?
- How Can Parents and Children Access Help?
- How Can a Child’s Pediatrician Help?
- To Help Children and Adolescents have Healthy Brains, How Important are Sleep and Self-Care?
- What Programs Should be in Place in a School?
Melissa Adamchick – Executive Director, Tristate Trauma Network
Melissa Adamchik talks about how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) impact one’s health and how we can help.
- What are ACEs and How Can they Impact a Person’s Health?
- How Prevalent are ACEs and Who can be Affected?
- How Prevalent are ACEs in the Cincinnati Area?
- What is a Trauma Informed Care Learning Community?
- What Impact do ACEs Have on a Child’s Development?
- What are the Long-term Implications of ACEs?
- Please Explain the Best Steps to Take with a Child who has Experienced Multiple ACES
- Can the Effects of Early ACEs be Reversed?
- What Programs are in Place for those with ACEs?
Marilyn Crumpton, MD – Director of Adolescent Medicine and School-Based Health, Cincinnati Health Department
Dr. Marilyn Crumpton talks about the effectiveness of mental health screenings.
- What is a Mental Health Screen?
- What has the American Academy of Pediatrics Recommended for Screening and What Can Parents do to Make Sure Their Child is Benefiting From This Type of Screening?
- How Should a Mental Health Screen be Used?
- If a School is Interested in Implementing a School-Wide Brain Health Screen, What Considerations are There?
- Is There a Particular Screen for Schools That You Recommend?
- Are Mental Health Screens Being Used Currently in Schools?
Nicola Morgan, Expert in Teenage Brain Health
Nicola Morgan discusses the changes that occur in the teenage brain and the challenges they may present for your teens.
Anne Kelly, mother of two children living with mental illnesses shares her story
Learn from a mother’s perspective of raising two children living with mental health disorders
Katie Bergman, a student living and thriving with a mental illness
Katie Bergmann, McAuley graduate and co-founder of The Fearless Initiative, compellingly shares her story of living with anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicidal ideation and how she’s now living beyond her diagnosis.