Unpopular opinion: Time alone doesn’t heal.
I do believe that as time passes, we think less about the challenge we faced. We don’t obsess over it as much. We don’t feel as controlled by it anymore. We get stronger.
But so often, we decide the way we are going to move past our challenge is just by ignoring it and letting time alone do the work. We often don’t want to do the work because it’s uncomfortable to really sit with what might have happened to us, or our role in the situation.
Unfortunately, if we never take the space to acknowledge what we went through and truly process it, we will just be triggered by similar situations in the future and continously make the same mistakes and walk the same paths over and over.
This is just like putting a bandaid on a wound. If you take the bandaid off too early, you will realize you are still bleeding. If you pick at the scab, you will bleed all over again and the healing period has to start all over again.
There has to be action behind the healing.
Talk about it. Write about it. Scream and cry about it. Challenge your old thoughts. Challenge your old patterns. But don’t push it off as insignificant. Don’t just push it off as something you don’t have time to deal with.
Because as I am learning in this new healing journey, the same patterns have repeated in my life, in relationships in particular, because I just trusted my healing to time, I never took action. But now I am taking action on this healing journey by challenging myself every day to make choices that although are difficult and uncomfortable, will help me to grow into the best version of myself. This is why I’m doing my Healing Bingo Board.
Time + action = the most undeniable healing that leads to strength and confidence to overcome any life challenge.
Add action to your healing, don’t just leave it up to time. Become unstoppable.