What is Self-Care

What is Self-Care? 

To many people, the term “self-care” can be daunting with fear of not doing the “right things”. Self-care can look different for everyone and even change over time. 

In the past, I was one of the people overwhelmed with making sure I did what blogs and influencers told me was best to self-care “correctly”. Meditate every morning and every night; workout for at least 30 minutes every day; read a book; eat more fruits or veggies; try yoga; follow a 6-step skincare routine; clean your house; don’t play video games or go on social media; chant positive affirmations in the mirror every morning and before bed. While nothing is wrong with doing these steps, I never understood why many of these didn’t stick for me and why I never felt anything special. I didn’t realize the world of possibilities of what self-care can look like. 

For myself, I have noticed that my definition changes during different seasons or life events. In the summer, I like to garden and go kayaking with friends or family. In the months before my wedding, I allowed myself to have mini pamper days to relax through planning. In the winter, I try to go to the gym more since I find it hard to have the motivation to leave my house when it’s cold outside. Year-round, I find myself enjoying quiet time to play video games. No matter what it is you choose to do, the goal remains the same: 

Take care of yourself

Did you make time for your hobby? Did you try to accomplish something you have been pushing off? Did you go outside? Did you just sit and relax, maybe even meditate? 

What I do and what my husband does don’t even look the same. Whatever it is you choose to do, the important thing is that you do it for yourself and your betterment. 

Do you feel like sitting outside at night watching the stars? Do you want to take a quiet bubble bath? Do you want to build a blanket fort in your living room? Do you want to go for a run? 

Do it. 

Don’t worry about if what you are doing is the same as what the internet tells you. If you have tried things people have suggested, and you didn’t feel it, try something your gut tells you to try. Watch your favorite movie, plan a family game night, read a book, do a puzzle; whatever you feel you will enjoy counts as self-care.