It’s Okay to Pivot

It’s okay to continuously pivot and go in different directions. Our path and journey in life is unpredictable. We never quite fully know where we will end up. That can be scary, but it can also be exciting and empowering. And it’s okay if you take one path that at one point felt like the right choice for your future, …

Celebrate your strength and growth

I’ve been telling my therapist how it feels like I have 100 tabs open in my brain at the same time. As a single mom owning my own business, it truly feels like I never have a chance to breathe. Friends have recently been telling me how much of a superwoman I am and I guess I never really acknowledge …

A Focus on Men’s Mental Health Month

By: Xander Wynn June is designated as Men’s Mental Health Month, a crucial period for amplifying awareness about the distinctive mental health challenges faced by men. Although mental health issues are universal, men frequently encounter unique pressures and stigmas that can aggravate these problems. This month offers a valuable opportunity to emphasize the significance of mental well-being among men and …

Two Interventions saved my life, now I help others

Have you ever spoken to someone who has died? What about someone who died twice? Because that’s exactly what anyone is doing when they speak with me. In 2010, my life turned upside down when my teaching career came to a screeching halt. I spoke up when no one else felt they could about an issue at the time and …

It’s Okay If Mother’s Day Is Hard For You

Mother’s Day has been conflicting for me for a few years now. The last Mother’s Day my mom spent on this earth was the one I told her that I was pregnant. The joy she had on that day was unmatched. The news of my pregnancy took away some of the pain, fear and sadness for her, even if it …

Finding Support Amidst Mental Struggles

I think I was around 12 years old when I started to have mental health issues. I had been in 6th grade, just a few months before Coronavirus hit and I was beginning to feel anxious all the time. I started to go to therapy but had to stop a few months in due to quarantine. I was originally diagnosed …

When You Let Go Of Expectations, Magic Happens

When I released expectations, I began to love motherhood. I have spent countless hours on this new journey soaked in tears, frustration and sadness. Early on, Charlotte had pretty bad acid reflux that required her to be held 24/7 and led to crying and fussing around the clock. It all felt unfair. Why are friends with babies around the same …


Stay ALERT Kelly D. Holder, Ph.D. One question that I often get as a clinical psychologist and wellbeing leader is, “What can I do when someone I love, care about, or work with is struggling with a mental health problem?” While each person’s situation is unique, there are steps we can take as supporters to foster a culture of support …

You Deserve the Best Fresh Start

There’s a song I’ve been listening to a lot lately, called Pretty Day. The lyrics say “it’s going to be a pretty day for me. I throw my hands up in the air, I’m free”. Yesterday, I had the song on repeat because I truly felt free. I finally finished what seemed like the longest, most exhausting process of buying …