Educate & Share
Spread awareness by first educating yourself
To better educate our community, we’ve created and compiled a series of educational materials and videos designed to enlighten your perspective on mental health in adolescents.
1N5 Educational Materials
To help administrators, faculty, and parents better educate their students and children, we have created easily shareable materials.
1N5 Short Educational Videos
For easier viewing, the educational videos have been segmented and organized by topic, which includes:
1N5 Full-Length Educational Videos
Changing Your Narrative
Katie Bergmann, McAuley graduate and co-founder of The Fearless Initiative, compellingly shares her story of living with anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicidal ideation and how she’s now living beyond her diagnosis today.
Early Childhood Mental Health
Dr. Dan Nelson, Medical Director of the Child Psychiatry Unit at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, speaks on the importance early childhood brain development and the issues parents should be aware of.
The Impact of ACES
Melissa Adamchik, Executive Director of the Tristate Trauma Network, talks about how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) impact one’s health and how we can help.
National Brain Health Trends
The Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center discusses current trends in youth brain health and disorders both locally and nationally.
A Mother’s Journey
Learn from a mother’s perspective of raising two children suffering from mental health disorders.
Your Special Teenage Brain
Nicola Morgan discusses the changes that occur in the teenage brain and the challenges they may present for your teens.
Why Screen for Mental Health
Dr. Marilyn Crumpton, a pediatrician at CCHMC, talks about the effectiveness of mental health screenings.
Stopping the Stigma in Schools
The founder of 1N5, Nancy Eigel-Miller, and Dr. Sorter discuss how to create a positive mental health environment in our schools.
Other Educational Videos
Talking to Children Under 12 About Suicide
Talking to kids about suicide can be challenging. However, creating a safe space to talk about suicide can save a child’s life. Multiple studies show that asking about suicide is not harmful and often empowering. You won’t put the idea into their heads and if a child has been struggling with thoughts of suicide, knowing that a concerned adult is willing to have an open conversation is often a relief.
5 Signs Your Teen Is Ready for College
Is your teen ready for the independence college offers? Do they have the maturity it takes to live on their own freshman year? WebMD asks prominent doctors how to evaluate if a teen is ready for college and gives some on advice on how to help prepare them.
Your First Year: College Students Share Advice
WebMD interviews several juniors and seniors who look back and share what they wish they had known since day one of college.