Learn About Grief
Grief is the emotional response to losing someone or something that is very important to you
Many people first experience grief via the death of a loved one, the end of a significant relationship, or other significant life changes like diagnosis of a chronic illness. The grieving process is different for each individual and can include feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. These are all natural reactions to experiencing a significant loss.
**Holidays can be particularly difficult for people grieving the loss of a loved one. HERE are some ways we can support them.**
Click the links below for more information and resources related to the grieving process.
- 6 Ways that Adolescent Grief is Different
- Huffington Post
- Help Loved Ones Make the Most of Their Holidays
- OptionB
- Helping Children Deal With Grief
- Child Mind Institute
- How We Grieve on Social Media
- The Atlantic
- Grieving the End of a Relationship
- Psychology Today
- Understanding Grief
- The New York Times
- Suicide Grief: Healing After a Loved One’s Suicide
- Mayo Clinic
- How Your Brain Copes With Grief and Why it Takes Time to Heal
- National Public Radio
- Everything You Need to Know About Grief and Loss
- McLean Hospital
- Dinner Parties and Vulnerability: How a New Generation Has Changed Grief
- Washington Post
- 5 Healthy Strategies for Coping with Grief
- Real Simple
- How to Grieve a Relationship Ending
- PsychCentral
- Helping Children Cope with Frightening News
- Child Mind Institute
- We Don’t “Move On” From Grief. We Move Forward with It.
- TED TALK: Nora McInerny
- 5 Things About Grief No One Really Tells You
- Psych2Go
- How to Support and Comfort Someone Going Through Grief
- TED TALK: Carolyn Moor
- How to Deal With Loss or Grief of Loved Ones
- Psych2Go