Hi, my name is Lily, and I’m a fourth-year student at the University of Cincinnati. I’m majoring in neuropsychology with a minor in integrative health and wellness and hope to become a mental health counselor or clinical psychologist in the future. As a senior in college, I’ve had a lot of experience with self-care over the years.
When I first started engaging in self-care, I thought it had to be some elaborate activity that I only did on occasion, but I’ve since learned that’s not true. I used to love lighting a candle, taking a relaxing shower, and putting on a face mask while listening to my favorite music. While I still enjoy doing those things, I’ve developed some simpler self-care techniques that I engage in more frequently. I try to make it a priority to engage in some type of self-care every day, no matter how small.
One of my favorite self-care activities is journaling with a guided journal such as The Five Minute Journal or One Question a Day for Self-Care. This type of journaling allows me to think deeper about myself and what is going on in my life, and it takes just a few minutes and fits right into my daily routine. Another self-care activity that I frequently engage in is yoga. Depending on my schedule for the day, I use yoga to clear my mind and stretch my body before starting the day or to calm my mind and relax my body before going to bed.
Some of my other favorite self-care activities include talking to a good friend, reading a book, playing with my cat, taking a walk, cooking a healthy meal, or meditating. The type of self-care I engage in changes each day depending on how I’m feeling and what I have going on, but I try to always do something to take care of myself. As long as you are taking care of your mind and body, it doesn’t matter what self-care looks like for you. Always remember that self-care isn’t selfish – one of the best things you can do for yourself is to invest in your own well-being and happiness, especially during stressful times.