Sources of Strength Wellness Wheel

Sources of Strength Wellness Wheel

Monday, May 2 | Overview of Wellness

What does it mean to be resilient? Our overall wellness is a dynamic experience; it is constantly ebbing and flowing as we respond and react to the stresses of life. Join us as we honor and acknowledge the challenges that exist while also discussing the power of Sources of Strength’s Wellness Wheel.  Video Link

Monday, May 9 | Family Support, Positive Friends, & Mentors

Jump into the power of connection! We look at the various ways we connect with others and how each of these connections supports us in different ways.  Video link

Monday, May 16 | Healthy Activities, Generosity, Spirituality

Today we dive into some of the actions we can take or do to cultivate wellness. We broaden the scope of healthy activities, examine the supercharge strength (Generosity), and lean into the various ways spirituality shows up for individuals. Video Link

Monday, May 23 | Physical Health & Mental Health

This week we will examine the connection between our physical and mental health. We think of these components as two sides of the same coin. We examine the benefits of attending to our physical health and look at all the ways we attend to our mental health. Video Link