Cincinnati Circus
Big Ash Brewing 5230 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, OHQPR – 5/26/2021
Attendance is limited to 25 participants. This training is specifically designed for parents and their teen(s). We will review the QPR gatekeeper model and learn how to tap into our strengths and boost protective factors making us more resilient to life’s challenges. Teens must attend with a parent. Parents welcome without their teen. One registration per parent/teen pair. Note: ...
Self-Care for Teachers – Using Mindfulness Skills
Self-Care for Teachers Using Mindfulness Skills August 5th, 2021 - 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm A Free Virtual Program Why Self-Care for Teachers? Teaching is one of the most rewarding professions but also one of the most challenging. Many teachers report that they regularly feel stressed and emotionally exhausted. The idea of self-care is often set aside because teachers chose ...
QPR – 8/11/2021
Attendance is limited to 25 participants. Note: You will receive a confirmation email when you register. Sometimes this goes to your spam/junk folder so be sure to check there. You will receive a reminder email a day or two before the event with the Zoom link and other details.
QPR – 8/25/2021
Attendance is limited to 25 participants. Note: You will receive a confirmation email when you register. Sometimes this goes to your spam/junk folder so be sure to check there. You will receive a reminder email a day or two before the event with the Zoom link and other details.
QPR – 9/8/2021
Attendance is limited to 25 participants. Note: You will receive a confirmation email when you register. Sometimes this goes to your spam/junk folder so be sure to check there. You will receive a reminder email a day or two before the event with the Zoom link and other details.
Monthly Mindfulness Session – 9-9-2021
Attendance is limited to 50 participants. Note: You will receive a confirmation email when you register. Sometimes this goes to your spam/junk folder so be sure to check there. You will receive a reminder email a day or two before the event with the Zoom link.
Monthly Mindfulness Session – 9/9/2021 3:30pm
Attendance is limited to 50 participants. Note: You will receive a confirmation email when you register. Sometimes this goes to your spam/junk folder so be sure to check there. You will receive a reminder email a day or two before the event with the Zoom link.