3 Ways to Reconnect with Your “Why”

3 ways to remember your “why” of why you even started your work in the first place to help you feel reconnected and more productive. When your goals feel meaningful, you will be the most engaged version of yourself. Identify the values most important to you and how they connect with the work you are doing. Ask yourself “Why did …

Self Care Through College: Learning to Balance it All by Kelly Baker 

By: Kelly Baker When entering college in 2021, I decided to take my studies four hours away from home to the University of Cincinnati. With this transition came dorm life, which as you may know, can be very chaotic and fatiguing for those of us who value alone time. I would like to share with you some of the self-care …

Smashing trauma, rebuilding self through bingo

My therapist helped me to see that I’ve been using relationships and other people to distract me from trauma that I thought I’ve dealt with, but I actually haven’t. So, I’m on a really scary, yet empowering journey for the first time to really and truly heal from decades of trauma, monumental loss and heartbreak. I’m really afraid, yet excited …

The Self-Care You Deserve

By: Kimberly Dinh I used to think self-care was restricted to the utmost honorable and virtuous actions. Actions like waking up exactly at 5 in the morning, eating only the healthiest and greenest of foods, locking away your phone at night to stop night-scrolling, etc. I was so stuck up in thinking self-care sculpted me into this ‘perfect version’ of …

You are still here!

If you live in a place like New England, you know how quickly the seasons change. It feels like summer just started, and here I am outside looking at the same woods behind my house that just had flowers that now have berries and the leaves are changing colors. This changing of the seasons can serve as a reminder of …

Making Self-Care a Habit: The “Little Things”

Throughout my life I have struggled with creating this “perfect” balance of all of these different aspects of my life, including work-life, family-life, relationships, friendships, academics, and more. In these past few years experiencing college life, I have been trying to use self-care deliberately to help my mental health, while also trying to incorporate it into my daily life so …

Give Yourself Time to Heal

I’m redefining this transition period of my life. I’m redefining what happiness looks and feels like to me. I’ve felt stuck recently. I’m in this in-between period where I’ve made decisions and now I’m just in the wait-and-see period of what comes next in my life. It’s felt a little strange for me because I’m always eager to know what …

I Shoulda Woulda Coulda

When I was around 4 years old, living in Colombia, Central America, I stepped on a nail on a board just exiting the back door to go to the back yard. It went through my foot and it was painfilled. Stepping into widowhood was about as painful, except this time, there was no way to get the “nail” of widowhood …

Never Dim Your Light

Every night before my daughter goes to bed, I tell her to remember that she is the brightest light in all of the universe and to never let anyone, including herself, dim that beautiful light that she has within herself. As I say it to her each night, it’s such a good reminder for me as well to not let …

Wellness looks different for everyone

Wellness. Who am I to write a blog on wellness. ? I’m 45 years old and work three jobs over seventy hours a week. I have Type 2 Diabetes. I have already suffered a heart attack. At various points in time over the past six years, I have been diagnosed with: cluster headaches, a partially torn rotator cuff, chronic pancreatitis, …