We Are Always Becoming

Hi, reader! Abby here, I’m grateful to be the new Office Manager at 1N5. Thanks for spending some time on our blog.  We are always becoming. It’s a beautiful reminder about our shared human experience, acknowledging that we are dynamic individuals; that we are malleable, we are impressionable, we are wildly adaptive, we are capable of transformation and growth.  Allowing …

Ashely’s #iAM1N5 Journey…

Ashley is a Masters Student in Psychology at the University of Cincinnati.  In addition, she works at the Lindner Center of Hope in the Adolescent Unit for Children’s Hospital Medical Center.  Ashley shares her #iAM1N5 journey of living.  Ashley began self-harming and developed an eating disorder at the age of 12 as a result of depression.  She was in and …

Self-Care Guest Blog By Samantha

Hi all! I’m Samantha Kayne, 1N5’s newest Social Media Intern. I am a sophomore at Indian Hill High School. I play lacrosse, basketball, and field hockey. One of my favorite parts about playing high school and club sports is becoming a part of a community. Outside of sports, I am extremely passionate about my education. Being a person everyone can …