Ashely’s #iAM1N5 Journey…

Ashley is a Masters Student in Psychology at the University of Cincinnati.  In addition, she works at the Lindner Center of Hope in the Adolescent Unit for Children’s Hospital Medical Center.  Ashley shares her #iAM1N5 journey of living.  Ashley began self-harming and developed an eating disorder at the age of 12 as a result of depression.  She was in and …

Keep Holding On

There will be times in our lives where we feel defeated. It might feel like we’re catching one bad break after another, and the negatives just won’t stop coming.  In these moments, it might feel nearly impossible to keep holding onto hope and keep a positive attitude. At these times, though, staying positive is the most important thing you can …

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone! We made it a whole year, and I am so proud of each and every one of you.  As we move forward into this new year, I want to take some time to reflect on the last one. 2021 was a very hard year—for a lot of people, not just me—but I’m looking at 2022 with …

Slow Down & Be Present With This Version of You

Remember to stay present with this version of you. This is a reminder I am telling myself right now. Recently, I’ve been somewhat freaking out about becoming a mom. I’ve been so excited for so long but with my due date approaching in just over a month, I’m starting to feel all the fears and feelings. I’m starting to wonder …

An Open Letter to My Heart

This week, I had both a psychiatry and therapy appointment. In both of my appointments, I had to admit that I’ve been shutting down my feelings for a while and not facing the emotional truths I need to face. As an act of contrition, I’m writing an open letter to my heart to apologize for how I’ve wronged it.  You’re …

Brenda Shares Her #WarriorWednesday Story…

In 1992 I was diagnosed with bipolar 1.  I struggled mostly untreated for almost two decades.  Countless hospital stays.  Electroshock therapy.  Never being able to hold a job.  I lived in New York City for the first 10 years of this time and moved back to Iowa during a manic episode in 2003. In September 2008 I became very “sick” again …

It’s Okay if the Holidays Aren’t So Joyful

It’s okay if the holidays are hard for you. I was always someone who associated the holidays with joy. The holidays always were a joyous time for me and my family. As I got older, it became less about material items or the food and more about the time spent with some of my favorite people. My therapist has told …