1N5 Provides Mental Health 101 to Dead Low Brewing

On Monday, May 17th, 1N5 provided its Mental Health 101 course to approximately 35 employees at Dead Low Brewing. During the session, 1N5 talked about signs and symptoms of mental illness, coping strategies, and how to support a friend in need. The employees received a self-care card with a self-care plan they could personalize to fit their needs. Thanks to …

1N5 Provides Mental Health 101 to Mercy Montessori

On Friday, January 22nd, 1N5 provided an interactive Mental Health 101 education course to the 7th-grade students at Mercy Montessori. During the course, students learned about different mental health disorders and important skills for maintaining mental wellness. This course was part of an ongoing partnership between 1N5 and Mercy Montessori. Through the spring, 1N5 will be presenting on various topics …

1N5 Hosts Mental Health 101 for Sycamore High School

This week, 1N5 held a zoom education session with a group from Sycamore High School’s Synnovation lab. The topic of education was Mental Health 101. We reviewed the signs and symptoms of mental illnesses as well as the concepts of mental illness and mental wellness. Following the interactive session with the students was a brief Q&A session. The students were …