Hi, reader! Abby here, I’m grateful to be the new Office Manager at 1N5. Thanks for spending some time on our blog. We are always becoming. It’s a beautiful reminder about our shared human experience, acknowledging that we are dynamic individuals; that we are malleable, we are impressionable, we are wildly adaptive, we are capable of transformation and growth. Allowing …
Your Social Media Doesn’t Define You
Social media can be a good and a bad thing. Social media can help a lot of us connect with people we may not otherwise connect with including old friends, colleagues, prospective leads on careers, and others who are feeling the same way as us. Social media can be great to allow us to feel a little bit less alone, …
Nicci Shares Her Powerful Story for our #SpeakYourMindSeries
It all started back in 2004 when my brother passed away from epilepsy. I was the only person home at the time and was unsure of how to handle the situation. He had seizures all his life and usually came to within a reasonable amount of time. This was different though, and as an eight-year old, I didn’t know what …