1N5 participated in MindWise’s Signs of Suicide Train-the-Trainer Workshop. Signs of Suicide is a suicide prevention program that educates students about the relationship between suicide and depression. Through a video, guided discussion and brief screening for depression, students are encouraged to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) when worried about themselves or a friend. SOS’s evidence-based student training takes just one class …
I’m Megan and this is my 1N5 journey…
Meet Megan, a University of Toledo student who lives with depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal ideation. Megan wants to spend her whole life telling people that “your life is worth living and there are ways to survive anything that you’re going through.” Thanks, Megan, for being brave enough to share your story! You are empowering others and saving lives!
I’m Ruku and this is my 1N5 journey…
Meet Ruku, a 12th grader who lives with generalized anxiety disorder and depression. Her story is very powerful and relatable for so many. Thanks, Ruku for being brave enough to share your story!