This week has been amazing. It feels like one of those weeks that starts a shift in life. For the first time in a long time, I’ve felt happy with everything I’ve done the whole week. It started with being on vacation with people I love in a place that’s calm and beautiful. Then, after weeks of moving between two …
Learning What It Means to Celebrate Myself
When is the last time you looked at yourself and really felt proud of yourself or truly celebrated all of your progress? When you accomplish something, are you looking inward and clapping for yourself, or waiting on someone else to clap for you? I have written a post before on being your own best cheerleader, but I think I am beginning …
Celebrate Your Uniqueness
by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Have you ever felt that someone was better than you at something and that kept you from going after your dream? I think a lot of us have had that mindset. I think even the smartest, fastest and strongest people out there think there is someone else out there better. But when we compare …