I am the first person to admit, I am an anxious driver. Negative self-talk and self-doubt popped up the instant I got in the driver’s seat from the moment I failed my first driving test at 16 years old. However, I couldn’t let my thoughts stop me from getting where I need to be. “Wow, I can’t believe how hard …
Keep Checking In On Others
Keep checking in on those around you. You never know who needs it. We are so good about it in the beginning, when someone experiences a loss, a trauma, or a breakup, we are so good in the beginning about checking in, seeing how that person is doing. In time though, we stop. We stop asking how people are. We …
Caroline’s Top 5 Consistent Self-Care Practices
Originally, when I learned the concept of self-care, I thought it had to be luxurious activities to unwind and relax. But then, I finally asked myself, what is the actual definition of self-care? The Oxford Reference defines self-care as “the practice of activities that are necessary to sustain life and health, normally initiated and carried out by the individual for …
Make Time For You And Your Mental Health First
It’s so easy for us to work and work and work and put everyone and everything ahead of our own needs. My mind often goes to logistics of what needs to get done in the house and for my daughter, and it’s easy for the things that I need for my mental health to not be put at the top …
Self-Care and Grief
Hi there! My name is Caroline, and I am the Social Media Assistant at 1N5. I am 25 years old, a Cincinnati native, and a mental health advocate. I want to start by saying that I truly leaned into my self-care journey about four years ago when my mom passed away from stage IV lung cancer. As a perfectionist, people …
Choose To Pour Your Energy Into Yourself And What You Need To Heal
Where are you investing your energy? The other day, I was at Target and these two women were spending so much energy fighting with the customers, cashiers and managers. They were upset that the woman in front of them didn’t come prepared to the store with her coupons. They very well may have been in a rush or had already …
You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup
I’m Lindsey, a math teacher in Cincinnati and I am obsessed with my job and my students. I am also a mom of two little girls, a wife, sister, daughter and friend (obsessed with all of that too). In general, I am a super passionate person which can easily lead to high highs and low lows. I am very fortunate …
When You Let Go Of Expectations Magic Happens
When I released expectations, I began to love motherhood. I have spent countless hours on this new journey soaked in tears, frustration and sadness. Early on, Charlotte had pretty bad acid reflux that required her to be held 24/7 and led to crying and fussing around the clock. It all felt unfair. Why are friends with babies around the same …
You Are A Beautiful Work In Progress
We are all a work in progress. No one has it figured out, everyone is constantly learning and growing and changing. It’s really easy to beat ourselves up for being a work in progress and for not having it all together. But how beautiful is it to realize that you don’t have to be in this space of self criticizing …
I Hope You Can Love Your Body As Much As Society Loves Chunky Babies
We live in a society where baby rolls and chunky thighs are cute, but are looked down upon on a mother who just gave birth. Moms are expected and pressured to “bounce back” after having a baby and are shamed if they haven’t quite yet lost their baby fat. We don’t think about the mental toll of motherhood and that …