It’s so easy for us to work and work and work and put everyone and everything ahead of our own needs. My mind often goes to logistics of what needs to get done in the house and for my daughter, and it’s easy for the things that I need for my mental health to not be put at the top of my to do list.
For the last month or so, it’s been pretty nonstop with traveling, full time parenting and a few other exciting side projects. I haven’t really taken too much time just for myself. It just felt like too much of a chore to get someone to come watch Charlotte, get the milk together for her and all my pump parts. It just felt easier for me to just stay home and be with her, because being around her is just such a joy. But I still need to fill my own cup, so that I can be the best and most present mom to her.
I was proud of myself for overcoming my anxious thoughts about leaving for a few hours to do something for myself and I was able to go out and get a massage. I was able to turn off my mom brain for a moment and just allow myself to do something that I treated myself to dozens of times before Charlotte was born. It was a great time to reconnect with myself, and also to reconnect with my mom, as we used to get massages together all of the time.
So this is your message and sign today – even if it feels anxiety provoking or overwhelming, even if it feels like a lot of prep work to get out the door, take care of yourself anyway. Go out and take a break and do something for you. Doing so will allow you to reconnect with yourself and be a better parent, friend, teammate and person. I know I need continual reminders that it’s okay to put ourselves first, and it’s not selfish to do so, it’s critical to do so, so that we can continue to give all that we give to others. It’s okay if you haven’t given to yourself lately, choose to give to yourself today. Whatever you need, I hope you give yourself the space to create that moment and reconnect with yourself. Your mind and body will thank you.
Be Beautifully Simply You