Learn About Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are life-threatening conditions that involve disturbances in an individual’s eating behaviors and associated thoughts and emotions
While it is typical for an individual to make lifestyle choices concerning their physical health and appearance, individuals with eating disorders have a dangerous, irrational preoccupation with food, body weight, and body image which can lead to guilt, shame, anxiety, etc. As a result, eating disorders are incredibly serious and potentially fatal illnesses.
Click on the links below for additional information regarding eating disorders and resources for help.
- 8 Things You Might Not Know About Eating Disorders
- Health Central
- Boys and Eating Disorders
- Child Mind Institute
- Eating Disorders and College
- Child Mind Institute
- Stress from Starting High School, College can Trigger Eating Disorders
- Rogers Behavioral Health
- Why Athletes Develop Eating Disorders
- Everyday Health
- How to Break Free of Emotional Eating
- Greater Good Science Center
- Overview of Orthorexia
- National Eating Disorders Association
- More than Picky Eating: 7 Things to Know about ARFID
- National Eating Disorders Association
- Supporting a Child with an Eating Disorder
- Eating Disorder Recovery Specialists
- Media & Eating Disorders
- National Eating Disorders Association
- Video: Cameron’s Story #iAM1N5
- Video: Kelly’s Story #iAM1N5
- Video: Removing the Stigma of Talking about Eating Disorders
- Video: The Family’s Role in Recovering from Eating Disorders
- National Institute of Mental Health: Eating Disorders in the Media
- Helping Someone with an Eating Disorders
- NEDA Toolkit for Parents