Who You Are Is A Gift

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You For so long, I wanted to be someone else. I spent hours scrolling through social media thinking, “She is so pretty, I wish I was pretty like her”, “I wish I was fast and skinny like her”, “I wish I had money like them”. I kept chasing a reality of someone’s else’s life, because …

Show Up For Yourself

How often do you show up for other people? Is it the same amount that you show up for yourself? How often are you complimenting others? Is it the same amount that you are complimenting yourself? How often do you show compassion to others? Is it the same amount of love and compassion you show to yourself? If your answer …

Within Every ‘No’, There’s a ‘Yes’

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You So often we begin to chase after a goal that we have, and all we hear from everyone is no. “No you can’t do that, no you shouldn’t do that, no that isn’t possible, no we can’t help you, no, no, no, no”. Hearing no from people when we present our ideas is discouraging, …