We Are Always Becoming

Hi, reader! Abby here, I’m grateful to be the new Office Manager at 1N5. Thanks for spending some time on our blog.  We are always becoming. It’s a beautiful reminder about our shared human experience, acknowledging that we are dynamic individuals; that we are malleable, we are impressionable, we are wildly adaptive, we are capable of transformation and growth.  Allowing …

Learn How to Say No

We have to learn how to recognize our own emotional capacities.  Sometimes, we have the capacity to take on more than other times. Right now, I recognize my emotional capacity is very low. I’m having a hard time keeping up with the most basic of daily tasks, and I definitely don’t have the emotional capacity to be there for others …

Keep Holding On

There will be times in our lives where we feel defeated. It might feel like we’re catching one bad break after another, and the negatives just won’t stop coming.  In these moments, it might feel nearly impossible to keep holding onto hope and keep a positive attitude. At these times, though, staying positive is the most important thing you can …

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone! We made it a whole year, and I am so proud of each and every one of you.  As we move forward into this new year, I want to take some time to reflect on the last one. 2021 was a very hard year—for a lot of people, not just me—but I’m looking at 2022 with …

Post-Holiday Self-Care

The holidays can be so hard, whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one or you’re overwhelmed by the sheer volume of responsibilities you have. Taking time for yourself after a big holiday is so important.  This year, my holiday season looked different than it ever has before, and at times I just felt so overwhelmed and burnt out. …

Slow Down & Be Present With This Version of You

Remember to stay present with this version of you. This is a reminder I am telling myself right now. Recently, I’ve been somewhat freaking out about becoming a mom. I’ve been so excited for so long but with my due date approaching in just over a month, I’m starting to feel all the fears and feelings. I’m starting to wonder …

Take Emotional Inventory

When’s the last time you checked in with yourself? I know I don’t do it often enough.  While on my self-care and self-love journey, I’ve been working on being more in tune with my emotions. That means checking in with my feelings and seeing where I’m at mentally, which isn’t always easy.  I’ve recently started using a scale to see …

An Open Letter to My Heart

This week, I had both a psychiatry and therapy appointment. In both of my appointments, I had to admit that I’ve been shutting down my feelings for a while and not facing the emotional truths I need to face. As an act of contrition, I’m writing an open letter to my heart to apologize for how I’ve wronged it.  You’re …