Positive Mindset is Key

I’m not naturally an optimist. For a long time, I worried about everything from getting an A on a homework assignment to how I would pay rent. I lived in a constant state of stress, worrying that if I didn’t do everything just right, it would all just fall apart. That kind of lifestyle, constantly chasing some nonexistent end result …

Recognize the Love You Deserve

It goes without saying that the past year has been one of the most challenging in recent history for nearly everyone. We all know what we’ve gone through globally, nationally, and individually. Through all of the hardships, heartbreak, and loss, though, we have persevered. Over the past 12 months, I’ve endured challenges I never expected to experience, and it all …

There is Beauty in Passion

The other day, I saw a TikTok about being passionate. The scenario is one person asking someone else about what they were really passionate about as a kid, and the other person’s eyes light up as she starts talking about what her childhood passion was. Eventually, though, she starts to feel self-conscious and apologizes for rambling. The first person stops …

Prioritize Yourself

As a society, we tend not to prioritize self-care and mental wellness. We are a career-focused people, and we typically let work take precedence over wellness. With all that has happened in the past year, though, that mentality is starting to change. I’ve noticed the change in my own life, especially over the past few weeks as my work has …

Reflect. Recharge. Reset.

It’s a new year. Again. 2020 is in the past, hopefully taking its negative energy with it. As we enter into a new year, tradition tells us we have to make a list of resolutions. This year, though, instead of coming up with a list of ways to change myself, I’d rather focus on ways to grow and learn from …

Perspective is Everything

The holidays always come with certain expectations, either from or of you. We idealize and romanticize them, with the help of film, television and retail industries, and we hope each year that they live up to what we’ve imagined them to be. This year, though, the holidays were obviously very different. Because of COVID, I didn’t get to experience any …