Practice Gratitude this Mother’s Day

I’ve always loved Mother’s Day. It’s the one day every year specifically dedicated to supporting the women who’ve supported us through our whole lives. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve gained a deeper appreciation for all the sacrifices that mothers make to support and provide for their children. Growing up, I didn’t realize how much my mom did for me. I …

Take Time to Focus on Your Mental Health Journey

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so to kick it off, I want to talk a little bit about my own mental health journey and how my self-care practice has impacted it. In spring, 2019, I was diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, which means I experience periods of mania and depression. For me, that looks like weeks at a time …

Make the Most of Every Day

Sometimes, we have bad days. Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations we’d rather not be experiencing. Sometimes, we’re just plain unlucky. Even when we have those tough days and experience those things we’d rather not experience, though, we can still make the most of it. Living in a global pandemic, the chances of having a bad day are pretty high. …

Ways to Incorporate Gratitude into Your Self-Care Practice

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Gratitude is such an important part of self-care, and it’s probably the biggest part of my self-care journey. Practicing gratitude has given me a whole new outlook on life, and it’s helped me to become a more positive person both towards myself and toward others. Starting a gratitude practice can seem …

Prioritize Yourself

Sometimes in life, we’re faced with difficult decisions where we have to choose between what’s best for ourselves and what’s best for others. When it comes to making these kinds of decisions, I have a really hard time choosing myself over others. In some cases, that’s not a bad thing. In others, though, we need to be able to prioritize …

Find the Best Version of You

One of my favorite things about my journey of self-discovery and self-care is the process of finding the best version of myself. I’ve been writing this blog for about a year now, and as I continue writing, I continue learning more and more about who I am and what I need. I started writing this blog when I was fairly …

Listen to Your Body. It Knows What it Needs.

Our bodies are incredible machines. They’re unbelievably powerful, but we have to make sure we’re taking care of them to ensure that they continue functioning as they should. After all, we only get one. For a long time, I ignored what my body needed and tried to power through on minimal sleep and minimal food. Throughout most of high school …

In the Face of Uncertainty, Practice Gratitude

Things don’t always work out the way we plan, but that’s okay. During these moments of what feels like chaos, when life takes a sharp turn in an unexpected direction and we just have to catch up, I try to practice gratitude to center myself. We’re coming up on the one-year mark of living in a global pandemic. We’ve lived …