Coach Stu from Walnut Hills Talks Mental Health in Insta Takeover

Stu Holt is taking over our Gram to talk mental health and how he’s incorporated mindfulness into his coaching at Walnut Hills High School. Stu is the founder of Under Pressure TV, a sports media brand that inspires growth through original stories and content. His passion for mental health awareness grew overtime as he realized that we all face a …

I’m Kelly and This Is My #iAM1N5 Journey…

Meet Kelly, a student at Mount St. Joseph University, who lives with anorexia, depression, anxiety, and has experienced self harm in the past.  Kelly was first hospitalized when she was just 17 years old. And we are so proud of her for seeking help even when those around her doubted the need, she knew something wasn’t right and insisted on getting herself …

Never Forget the Power of Your Voice

My entire life, I didn’t think I had a voice. I didn’t think I could speak my truth, and I didn’t think I could ever speak up about the things I didn’t agree with. I fell victim to the stigma around mental illness. Sometimes I get so perplexed as to why the stigma around mental illness even exists. Our brain …

Sometimes We Feel Sad, But It’s Completely Okay

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You For most or my life, I never realized that it was okay to feel sad. Whenever I felt sad, I was made to feel small and worthless by the toxic people I surrounded myself with, so feeling sad became something that was far from okay, something I learned to hide. Recently, a child I …

I’m Tim and This Is My #iAM1N5 Journey…

Meet Tim who says: “You’re not alone. Your story matters. Your pain matters. The things you’re going through are strengthening you more than you can ever imagine.” Tim lives with persistent depression, with episodes of major depression, as well as generalized anxiety disorder. In his video, Tim talks about how the deception of depression led him to really dark places …

Inspiration is Right Around the Corner

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Do you ever feel frustrated with yourself for feeling uninspired? Feeling uninspired can be frustrating, especially when we have a deadline or want to get something done, and we just absolutely are not mentally there. To be honest, these days I have been feeling a bit uninspired. I feel like I am in a …

Dr. Finch Discusses Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder on #FreeYourMindFriday

With a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Dr. Hayden Finch is passionate about understanding and treating schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other severe and persistent mental illnesses.  In addition to developing outpatient and residential treatment programs for severe mental illness in graduate school, she was involved in mental health policy and legislation advocacy.  During her clinical internship, …

My Imperfection is My Favorite Part About Me

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Today I turn 26! 25 was a really great year for me, and at 25 I realized that most of my entire life I was searching for perfection, but that my search for perfection kept me from recognizing that I needed help and kept me from telling my story. The chase for perfection began …

I’m Kate and This Is My #iAM1N5 Journey…

Meet Kate, a Turpin High School student, who lives with emetophobia (the fear of vomiting) and depression. She explains how no matter what she’s doing the fear is in the back of her mind and she’s consumed with thinking of ways to prevent it. Kate found finally receiving a diagnosis relieving because it validated her feelings. Now she’s finding help through exposure …