1N5 Continues Trainings for Local School Staff

It was another very busy week for 1N5 training school staff to get them ready for school to resume. We started off the week working with Hamilton City Schools where we coordinated training for the entire staff of over 800 in topics of Mental Health: Normal Development/Adolescent Response to COVID,  Top Disorders/Symptoms, Referral Process, Mindfulness and De-Escalation Techniques. We held …

Youth Mental Health Advocate Takes Over Insta Stories

This week for #freeyourmindfriday, Maria Barrios, the warrior behind @kidscopingwithanxiety, took over our Insta stories to talk about parenting kids with mental illness and stopping the stigma. Check out her bio below! My name is Maria Barrios, I am a mom of 2 kids (11-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl). I decided to create @kidscopingwithanxiety because I believe that the more …

Find Someone to Lean On

It’s been about five months since the world turned upside down. Five months of quarantine, social distancing, and isolation. Five months of masks, hand sanitizer, and Zoom calls. Five months of learning how to adapt to survive in an entirely new environment. For folks living with mental illness, survival means something different right now. It means learning how to let …

Local Schools + Students Prepare for the New Year with 1N5 Trainings

This was a very busy week of training for 1N5. We trained the staff of Taylor High school in QPR, held a day-long training for the entire staff of Hamilton City Schools, trained the staff of Wyoming City Schools, held a webinar about mindfulness and self-care for teachers, and had over 1000 people watch one of our State of Mind …

1N5 Hosts Virtual Youth Mental Health Innovation Challenge

Last weekend, over 30 students and community members joined together to participate in our virtual Youth Mental Health Innovation Challenge facilitated by Tom Merrill and Vishal Bhatia from ExperiencePoint. The virtual experience was interactive and collaborative, allowing students to work through the design thinking process to create an innovative solution to the prompt “How might we help students invest in …

School Counselor Takes Over Insta Stories

This week for #freeyourmindfriday, Tonyette White, a high school counselor, took over our Insta stories to talk about student mental health. Check out her bio below! Hi! My name is Tonyette and I am a high school counselor in central Virginia. I attended the University of Virginia, and I  graduated in 2013 with my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and …

Be Patient With Your Mind Like You Are With Your Body

We often seek something that’s going to make us feel 100% better when we are not feeling good, physically or mentally. We are often looking for a fix, something to heal us completely and quickly. But sometimes, and more often than not, healing takes time. When you break a bone, they will give you medication and advise you to rest. …