In the midst of all the changes happening around us, we know many of us are feeling overwhelmed. Starting today, we are going to try our best to bring a moment of positivity and inspiration to you each day so that we can #spreadlovenotgerms and #bemindfulnotfearful during this time. If you’re interested in using our platform to share a moment …
Self-Love Means Forgiving Yourself When You Mess Up
One of the biggest parts about self-love is forgiving yourself. Forgiving yourself when you feel like you’ve fallen short. Forgiving yourself when you mess up, when you’ve said the wrong thing, when you hurt someone unintentionally. Forgiving yourself when you said too much, or not enough. Forgiving yourself when you ate too much or worked out too much, or not …
Nori Shares Her #WarriorWednesday Story
Happy #WarriorWednesday! This week, Nori Muro, founder of Cincinnati’s first Sober and Sober Curious Meet Up, Roasted Not Toasted, is sharing her journey to sobriety. Check out her story below! My name is Nori Muro, I am 44, I live in Cincinnati with my husband and our 11-year-old daughter. I am also 2 years sober. This is My Soulful Sobriety …
Believe in Yourself, Too
Reaching your goals begins with believing in yourself. I thought about this and immediately thought about the movie Acrimony by Tyler Perry. The movie has a lot—and I mean a lot—of twists and turns. The husband has this idea to sell this battery-powered tool, and he believes in his idea when absolutely no one else does. I didn’t like his …
Choose to Be Beautifully Simply You
Some people won’t be your people and some people won’t like us. That’s okay. This is one of the hardest things to be okay with as perfectionists, the idea that other people won’t like us. We aim to be so perfect in everything that we do, that it absolutely pains us when someone sees us as anything different. But no …
Logan Shares Her #iAM1N5 Journey…
Meet Logan, who is sharing her story of living with Bipolar Depression. She started feeling really down during her freshman year of high school and began pushing people away. She recalls spending more and more time alone in her room and less and less time doing the things that used to make her happy, like playing tennis or hanging out …
Be Patient With Yourself When You Are Struggling
I’m going through a lot. Please be patient with me. Going through this experience with my mom’s cancer has changed me. In some ways, it has taken things from me. One of those things is often my positivity. In some ways, her diagnosis has made me stronger and made me appreciate life more. But in more ways, it has unfortunately …
Forgive Yourself When You Mess Up
It’s so easy to go through our lives and forget what we have in front of us. It’s so easy to sweat the small stuff and forget the great stuff. We will often experience loss and spend some time reflecting on how life is too short and how we should hug our loved ones more and tell them we love …
Daniel Shares His #iAM1N5 Journey…
Meet Daniel Henderson, who is sharing his journey of living with alcoholism, PTSD, major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. He remembers being restless as a kid and using sports and outdoor activities to release some of his energy. He was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age and remembers not liking the way he felt while on various ADHD …
Make Your Mental Health Come First on Your To-Do List
We all have 24 hours in a day. How are you choosing to use that time? Wow—so much pressure on what should be a motivating statement. When I think about 24 hours, it gives me anxiety, because there are somehow never enough hours in the day to get everything done. The days I work from home, I get so consumed …