Has anyone else been feeling emotionally drained lately and not quite like yourself? I have been feeling like my equilibrium has been off for some time. And it gets really frustrating when I don’t have the same enthusiasm for things I usually love doing, like let’s say my mental health speaking job. But I have to remember that I have …
@danakimberley Takes Over Insta Stories
It’s #freeyourmindfriday, and Dana Mulvaney is taking over our Insta Stories to talk all things mental health! Check out her story below, and be sure to follow along on Insta to hear what she has to say! Hey y’all, I’m Dana Mulvaney. I’m a 4th year at the University of Cincinnati, and I’m studying film and media. In my free …
Brittany Shares Her #iAM1N5 Journey…
Meet Brittany Wells, a Xavier University student who is living with ADHD, anxiety, OCPD, generalized anxiety disorder, and “being a general goof ball.” Brittany recalls being singled out because of her learning differences, which eventually led to her being prescribed adderall in high school. She talks about feeling herself entering a dark place and having suicidal thoughts. She reached out …
Kaitlin Shares Her #WarriorWednesday Story
It’s #WarriorWednesday, and Kaitlin Bolt-Lovett, the warrior behind @alifenourished, is sharing her journey with eating disorders and mental health. Check out her story below! I have words for emotions I never had before. I am able to construct sentences like “my worth is not determined by the shape of my body nor my ability to perform, prove, please, or meet …
@ashleypurvis16 Takes Over Insta Stories
Ashley Purvis took over our Insta stories for #freeyourmindfriday to talk all things mental health! Check out her bio below, and head over to Instagram to see what she had to say! Hey, y’all! My name is Ashley Purvis. I am married to my best friend, and I work full-time as an accountant. I just wanted to share a little …
Brooke Shares Her #iAM1N5 Journey…
Meet Brooke Pitman. She’s sharing her story of living with social anxiety and depressive disorders. She first started experiencing symptoms in middle school, and she began withdrawing from social activities and anything that put her in the spotlight. She quit cheerleading in eighth grade, and she stopped interacting in classes. Her peers and educators became concerned and recommended her to …
Some Days We Struggle, That’s Okay
I was at a NAMI support group the other night as they always bring in guest speakers. At the end of the speech, which turned into more of a discussion, one of the attendees told me I should be a motivational speaker and another told me I should write. I chuckled because I currently do both of those things. The …
Erin Shares Her Journey with Post-Partum Anxiety for #WarriorWednesday
Perfect. The word that can consume people. The word that can fuel some, but is so unrealistic. May 22, 2019, I reposted my husband’s IG post with the following caption: “And just like that, we have another little branch on our family tree. Leonard “Leo” Michael Horn was born this morning early to the party, and he is a tiny …
Remember to Be Your Own Superhero, Too
We spend a lot of our mental energy on others. We make sure that we show up over and over for those around us. We do this so easily, knowing the love we have for those around us is so important to us that we put their needs before our own. We do this over and over. And then we …
@ensembletherapy Takes Over Insta Stories to Talk All Things Mental Health
It’s #freeyourmindfriday, and Jaclyn Sepp, the warrior behind @ensembletherapy, took over our Insta stories to talk all things mental health and therapy! Check out her bio below, and head over to Insta to see what she has to say! Jaclyn believes that all human beings, no matter how small, deserve a place to be accepted for who they are, which …