Daniel Shares His #iAM1N5 Journey…

Meet Daniel Henderson, who is sharing his journey of living with alcoholism, PTSD, major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.  He remembers being restless as a kid and using sports and outdoor activities to release some of his energy. He was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age and remembers not liking the way he felt while on various ADHD …

Make Your Mental Health Come First on Your To-Do List

We all have 24 hours in a day. How are you choosing to use that time? Wow—so much pressure on what should be a motivating statement. When I think about 24 hours, it gives me anxiety, because there are somehow never enough hours in the day to get everything done. The days I work from home, I get so consumed …

You Are Doing the Best You Can, and That’s Enough

I was at a restaurant called HopDoddy in California and overheard a heated conversation between a daughter and her parents. She was trying to plead with them to have just one semester that she could get all A’s and just one B. And her parents spent a while almost degrading her for getting a B, that they thought she was …

Appreciating Delayed Gratification

So many of us often seek out instant gratification. We want results and we want them immediately. It happens when we go to the gym to get more fit and get frustrated when we don’t see progress in a few days. It happens when we start therapy and expect to figure out our entire struggles after just one hour session, …

Learning to Love Yourself Outside of a Relationship

I often think about my journey with self-love and how most of my life has been spent void of self-love and depending on others for my sense of self-worth. I was deeply reminded by this after listening to Demi Lovato’s song, “Tell Me You Love Me”. I remember when I first heard this song and how I felt like it …

Strength Kept You Fighting Through 2019

This is my last blog post of 2019 and my 52nd blog post this year. Each post shared a different moment—whether happy or sad—of my life to help spark discussions for you with other people or within yourself. Within those blog posts was a life that I lived everyday, full of both blessings and pain. But I’m sure it was …

It’s Okay if You Need a Break from Social Media

It often feels like there is pressure to always be posting on social media, especially if your job requires you to have some type of social media presence. I was actually applying to speak at a conference, and one of the questions asked me what my social media following was, and because of that question, I decided to close out …