Mauri Shares Her #WarriorWednesday Story

This week for #WarriorWednesday, Mauri Hogan, a 24-year-old psychology doctoral student at Adler University in Chicago, shared her mental health journey. See what she has to say below, and be sure to listen to this week’s podcast on Saturday to hear more about her story and her experiences! As a clinical psychology doctoral student with a history of anxiety, PTSD, …

Healthy Relationships Are Key to Maintaining Optimal Mental Health

Dr. Diane, a licensed clinical psychologist is taking over our Instagram on January 25, 2018 to discuss all things love! Head over to the Gram to ask her all of your relationship/dating questions! Dr. Diane works with both individual and couples and as a Love Expert, she practices in the Northern California Bay area. If you want to find out …

My Whole World Was Anxiety…

I am a senior at Anderson High School. Throughout my life I’ve had many mental challenges. When I was little my dad passed away and since then I have dealt with extreme anxiety and compulsions. I would be scared all the time of dying or of other people dying and have tendencies to do small rituals thinking that would save …

I’m Michael and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Michael, a University of Cincinnati student who lives with anxiety, depression, and suicide ideation. Michael candidly share his struggles with mental illness, his path to recovery, and how he’s breaking the mental health stigma for other UC students by creating the Bearcat Support Network.