1N5 + Mount Notre Dame Provide Self-Care Bags to Staff and Students

This week, 1N5 helped Mount Notre Dame provide self-care bags to teachers and students for when they return to classes. The bags contained resources and tools to practice self-care, and they were well-received by the staff! Thank you to Mount Notre Dame for working with us to promote self-care for educators and students during this trying time!

Find Someone to Lean On

It’s been about five months since the world turned upside down. Five months of quarantine, social distancing, and isolation. Five months of masks, hand sanitizer, and Zoom calls. Five months of learning how to adapt to survive in an entirely new environment. For folks living with mental illness, survival means something different right now. It means learning how to let …

Leave Your Burdens Behind

So we all know we’re living in an unprecedented time. I feel like a broken record every time I say it, but it’s true. The world has never been so universally impacted by anything before COVID, and we’re all learning how to cope with this new way of life. From mask mandates to planning for school and the future, nothing …

Burn Out is Real, But You Can Always Reignite the Flame

Is anyone else feeling exhausted or overwhelmed lately? I don’t mean from day-to-day responsibilities like work or school, but rather our civic and social responsibilities. 2020 is about halfway over, and so far, it’s smacked us with so many new daily concerns. How do we live our lives while also being civilly and socially conscious? It’s exhausting to think about. …

Student Mental Health Advocate Takes Over Insta Stories

This week for #freeyourmindfriday, Erin Gardner, social media manager for Active Minds at Ohio University, took over our Instagram stories to talk about student mental health. Check out her bio below! Erin is 21 years old and a senior at Ohio University studying journalism news and information. Erin lives with major depression, generalized anxiety and a panic disorder as well …

You Will Make Mistakes, Be Kind to Yourself Anyway

Want to hear a secret? It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to be human. We mess up and we over analyze that mistake for hours, and the anxiety can be debilitating. For me personally, making mistakes and dealing with those mistakes, has been incredibly hard for me my entire life. I have always chased perfection, …