Winter is and always will be my favorite season. I don’t mind the cold, and the holidays always make me feel nostalgic. When I was growing up, the holiday season was a big deal in my family. It wasn’t even about the gifts. It was a time for togetherness. We’d put all the distractions from the rest of the year …
Take Time to Give Thanks
In times of great distress, it’s easy to forget to make space for gratitude. This year, in particular, we have all had our fair share of trauma and anxiety, and it’s understandable to lose sight of the things for which we should be grateful. I know I’m guilty of forgetting to practice gratitude and taking time to be thankful. When …
Sometimes Traumas Resurface, Keep Loving Yourself
It finally happened. What I think I would call my worst nightmare. Y’all, I am open with my struggle. I have been on the news, podcasts, and spread my message across the country. It is not a mystery that I was in an emotionally abusive relationship, I blog about it all of the time. However, I never truly knew if …
Forgive Your Past Self So Your Future Self Can Grow
Self-growth is not easy. Sometimes, we realize things about ourselves that we need to change in order to be the best version of ourselves. We all have negative habits, and sometimes we don’t see that they’re negative until they cause harm to ourselves or others. When that happens, we realize we need to make a change. Sometimes it’s small, sometimes …
I Still Struggle, Just Like You, That’s Okay
In my presentations, I talk about how for so long people thought I had it all together, so they didn’t always feel the need to check-in. And then sometimes I scroll through my Instagram and think, well there are probably some students and student-athletes that I talk to that still think I have it all together. People tell me that …
Show Up for Yourself
The journey toward getting to know and love yourself is a beautiful one. It’s also one that takes time. You don’t wake up one day and say, “well, the work is done. I don’t need to keep learning to love and take care of myself.” You do, however, get beautiful moments of appreciation for the kind acts you’ve done for …
Choose to Be You
I will always be what I say, is a “recovering perfectionist”. I spent most of my entire life chasing perfection, so it’s not always so easy to completely stop chasing the unrealistic ideal that is perfection. For my mental health modules, I enjoy getting feedback, but also cringe every time I get an email telling me someone filled out the …
Let Yourself Grow + Evolve
The notion that 2020 has been a year of change is not new. We all know we’ve been forced to change our way of thinking, our habits, our social and work lives. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing, though. The universe has given us all the chance to grow and evolve, and we should take advantage of this …
It’s Ok if You’re Feeling Unmotivated
It’s okay if you’ve been feeling unmotivated. Some things may have come easily to you before, and now you’re finding it difficult to get those same tasks done. Know that you aren’t alone. I too, right now, am feeling wildly unmotivated to write this blog post. I’ve been feeling incredibly unmotivated to get out of bed in the morning, or …
You’re Allowed to Ask for Help
2020 has been a year of loss. Whether it’s loss of experiences, social connection, school, work, or loved ones, we have all had something or someone taken from us. The universal grief we are all feeling has never happened on such a large scale. Everyone has experienced loss, everyone’s life has changed, some more so than others. Everyone expresses their …