You Are What You Love

“You are not what you look like. You’re the music you listen to, the shows you watch, the art you make, the flowers in your hair, and your favorite blanket. […] You are what you love.” This quote has been my rock along my eating disorder recovery journey. I always tell people that my eating disorder felt a lot like …

Self-Care Guest Blog By Lily

Hi, my name is Lily, and I’m a fourth-year student at the University of Cincinnati. I’m majoring in neuropsychology with a minor in integrative health and wellness and hope to become a mental health counselor or clinical psychologist in the future. As a senior in college, I’ve had a lot of experience with self-care over the years. When I first …

Hard Things Happen For You, Not To You

Reframe your mind on what’s happening in your life. It’s so easy to feel angry with the world when all of the tough situations keep piling up. It can feel so unfair. We can start questioning what we did wrong to deserve something bad to happen to us. What if instead of looking at all of the things happening TO …

Self-Care Guest Blog By Xander

How’s it going! My name is Xander Wells and I’m a fourth-year student double majoring in Finance and Psychology at the University of Cincinnati. My time as a Bearcat has been special in so many ways. I am beyond grateful for the places I’ve been and people I’ve met over the last four years. There have been road trips, internships, …

Self-Care Guest Blog by Nihal

Hello! My name is Nihal Ahmed, I’m a senior graphic design and illustration student at Xavier University who is on the cusp of graduation. I’ve been the graphic design intern for 1N5 since November of 2020, and it’s been an incredible experience being behind-the-scenes on all of the amazing projects we’ve put out since then. I cannot overstate how ardent …

Many Things Feel Hard Or Scary Until They Are Done

Often times things will feel scary or hard to do, and that fear keeps us from starting in the first place. Many things feel scary or really hard, until they’re done and we realize that we were stronger than we thought. My daughter just turned one – which is crazy to me how quickly this year has flown by. I’ve …

Self-Care Guest Blog By Samantha

Hi all! I’m Samantha Kayne, 1N5’s newest Social Media Intern. I am a sophomore at Indian Hill High School. I play lacrosse, basketball, and field hockey. One of my favorite parts about playing high school and club sports is becoming a part of a community. Outside of sports, I am extremely passionate about my education. Being a person everyone can …

Remember To Rest And Recharge

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” – Anne Lamott In college, I remember my therapist asking me, “when was the last time you took a moment to actively rest, to sit and do nothing?”. I did not have an answer for her. At the time, I was enrolled in classes full-time, …

It’s Okay If The Holidays Aren’t So Joyful

It’s okay if the holidays are hard for you. I was always someone who associated the holidays with joy. The holidays always were a joyous time for me and my family. As I got older, it became less about material items or the food and more about the time spent with some of my favorite people. My therapist has told …