Who You Are Is A Gift

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You For so long, I wanted to be someone else. I spent hours scrolling through social media thinking, “She is so pretty, I wish I was pretty like her”, “I wish I was fast and skinny like her”, “I wish I had money like them”. I kept chasing a reality of someone’s else’s life, because …

My Whole World Was Anxiety…

I am a senior at Anderson High School. Throughout my life I’ve had many mental challenges. When I was little my dad passed away and since then I have dealt with extreme anxiety and compulsions. I would be scared all the time of dying or of other people dying and have tendencies to do small rituals thinking that would save …

Life to the Fullest

Empty. The word that describes what my heart felt during middle school. A once bubbly, passionate girl suddenly had the life sucked out of her. Peers and parents constantly asked me, “Where did our Anna go?”, and I had no response. I was left feeling unmotivated, fearful, and unworthy. These feelings grew worse as the transition into high school and …

Be Kind. It’s Free.

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Every morning I take the train to work. I am surrounded by people who are constantly yelling at each other or shoving each other all for their own sole purpose. I can’t lie and say I haven’t said a remark under my breath after being pushed by someone, and I can’t say I haven’t …