Dr. Scott Talks #BlackMentalHealthAwareness

Dr. Angela M. Scott, Ph.D. and Staff Psychologist in the Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, is back this week in honor of #BlackMentalHealthAwarenessMonth to talk about African American mental health, and specifically mental health among African American youth. She notes the uptick in suicidality of African American adolescents over the past few …

Psychology + Nursing Student Takes Over Insta Stories

This week for #freeyourmindfriday, Xavier University nursing and psychology student Emma Benz took over our Insta stories to talk about mental health and recovery. Check out her bio below! Hi friends, my name is Emma Benz! This fall, I’ll be starting my junior year at Xavier University as a nursing and psychology student. Outside of the classroom, I am an …

Mindy Shares Her #iAM1N5 Journey…

Meet Mindy, a high school English teacher, deep thinker, coffee drinker, and outdoor enthusiast. For #WarriorWednesday, she is sharing her story of living with anxiety disorder and OCD. She was diagnosed about 15 years ago, and she said her symptoms came on very suddenly. While in a meeting, she began having intrusive thoughts and a panic attack. Not knowing what was …

We Can Always Bounce Back and Begin Again

Does anyone else seem to always kill their plants? No matter what I do, sunshine, no sunshine or too much sunshine, watering too much or too little, I can’t ever seem to get it just right. Today it has been downpouring with thunder and lightning. After a few hours of the rain coming down hard, I realized my plants that …

Mental Health Advocate + Author Takes Over Insta Stories

This week for #freeyourmindfriday, Rebecca Hilliard, mental health advocate and author, took over our Insta stories to talk about mental health. Check out her bio below! Rebecca Hilliard is a mental health advocate and author of the books ‘A World Locked Away’ and ‘Heaven’s Heartbeat’. She uses her experiences with mental illness to help and encourage others. What she wants …

How to Make the Most of Your Summer

Caroline McKeown is back this #WarriorWednesday with her vlog #AskCaroline to discuss how to make the most of this summer! She talks about how it’s important to look at the bright side of things and use positive thoughts to cancel out negative ones. She also recommends doing things that you love and keep yourself busy! Watch the video to see …

Each Moment is Part of Our Story of Growth

Honesty time, because that is what this blog is for and because my blogs resonate with what I’m feeling in that moment. I am having a tough time posting my blogs. I have this well-constructed goal in my head to post every Monday. Sometimes I ask myself why I have that goal, but I am always reminded when someone tells …

Local Author Takes Over Insta Stories

This week for #freeyourmindfriday, Emily, a local author and medical professional, took over our Insta stories to talk about her journey with overcoming PTSD. Check out her bio below! Emily is a  medical professional and award-winning Author from Cincinnati. She struggled with anxiety after a traumatic choking event when she was 6 years old. Growing up, she managed her anxiety …

Chris Shares His Story for Men’s Mental Health Week

This week on #WarriorWednesday, Chris Wood shared his mental health journey living as a trans man for Men’s Mental Health Week. Chris lives with generalized anxiety, major depression, and PTSD. He says going to therapy helps him work through his mental illness, and he wants anyone else who may be struggling out there to know that you are not alone! …