We set goals for ourselves all of the time. We feel it in our core that we can reach our goal, or we at least feel optimistic that we will get there. And then we might tell someone our goal, and they might tell us that our goal is unrealistic, and suddenly, your entire perspective on feeling confident in reaching …
You Can Feel Your Feelings And Still Be Strong
Being strong doesn’t mean you are always happy or that you are hiding your feelings, appearing to the outside world that you are okay. Even though that is what society tells us being strong means, being strong actually means having the faith in hard times, but still allowing yourself to feel how you feel. Being strong means having the courage …
@girlrestore Takes Over Insta to Talk Depression, Anxiety and Eating Disorders
Johna Cheyenne, the warrior behind @girlrestore, took over our Insta Stories for #freeyourmindfriday! Check out her story below and check Insta to follow along! Hey, y’all! I’m Johna. I’m sharing this picture because you can hide anything behind a smile. I struggle with chronic depression and anxiety, disordered eating, and body dysmorphia. I’ve always been a nervous and anxious person, …
I’m Chase and This Is My #iAM1N5 Journey…
Meet Chase, a 20-year-old student at Cincinnati Christian University, who is living with bipolar disorder, anxiety, and an eating disorder. She also has experienced depression and suicidal ideation in the past. Chase talks about how her anxiety began in her early school years with bullying and negative comments from her classmates. It gradually progressed until she experienced suicidal thoughts shortly …
Find Your Peaks of Sunshine Through the Rain
There was a track meet we had in high school and I remember the day before freaking out to my teammates that it was going to rain, which in my eyes, would ruin the entire meet. The weather forecast said there was an 75% chance of rain. And I remember my teammate saying, “well there’s a 25% chance it won’t …
@rivertownwellness Takes Over Insta to Talk Family and Individual Counseling
Cody Hanson, MS, LPC, and mental health warrior behind Rivertown Wellness took over our Insta Stories for #freeyourmindfriday! Check out his story below! “Over the years, I have developed a deep love for the city of Cincinnati and a passion to promote wellness here. It was that passion that led me to open Rivertown Wellness as a place to find …
Practice Being Present
When is the last time you paused to be in this moment? How many times have people brought up stories to you that you just don’t remember the details, because you were there, but not really because your mind was elsewhere? Life passes us by so quickly. It seems like the days go by faster and faster as we get …
I’m Kyle and This Is My #iAM1N5 Journey…
Meet Kyle, who is here to share his story of living with anxiety, depression and anger issues. He has struggled with finding his identity and coming to terms with who he is and his place in the world. Now, he works to help others find their way through motivational speaking.
You Are Worthy of Your Tomorrow
I remember so clearly a question that was asked during one of my speeches. The question that was asked was, “Do you think you’ve won your fight?”. He asked me that question because during my speeches, I always focus on reminding each of us that we are worthy of this fight for our lives. And after sharing my story of …
Hold Onto Your Small Moments of Joy
Writing this blog post, I am sitting on the waterfront of Alexandria, VA, watching the life of Washington, DC right across the water and I thought about all the life happening all around us that we constantly watch pass us by. And then I felt sadness for all of those who couldn’t see the beauty of today, because they had …