It’s Okay to Struggle with Self-Confidence, But Still Give Yourself Compassion

A reminder to myself – I know it’s hard, but don’t be so hard on yourself. I saw this quote the other day that read, “While you’re being overly critical of yourself, someone is admiring your strength.” And I thought to myself, how absolutely true. My anxiety lately has been through the roof. I wrote about this last week, but …

Checking in on Others

This week for #WarriorWednesday, Caroline McKeown was back with a new episode of her #DearCaroline vlog. She talked about the importance of helping your friends and being there when they need support. Follow along for support resources for you and your friends, signs to look for, and how to check-in. Sometimes, just reaching out and offering your love and support …

You Are Worthy As You Are

We don’t give ourselves enough credit. We so easily put ourselves down and tell ourselves that we aren’t good enough, or that we aren’t worthy of reaching a certain goal, or worthy of continuing on. We make mistakes and we beat ourselves up. That mistake and the feelings of guilt that come along with it may stay at the forefront …

Happy Thanksgiving Week

This week for #WarriorWednesday, Caroline McKeown was back with a new episode of her #DearCaroline vlog on gratitude and accepting where we are. Even though this holiday might look different than it used to, Caroline reminds us that we can still find beauty in it no matter how negative it may seem. Follow along to see what she has to …

People Come and Go But Always Help with Our Growth

Some people come into your life for only a season, but for the most important reasons. We will never fully understand why some people come into our lives and why some people leave. Sometimes, the people that we wanted to stay with with every ounce of our being leave. Those are the moments that hurt the most, the ones that …

Take Time to Give Thanks

In times of great distress, it’s easy to forget to make space for gratitude. This year, in particular, we have all had our fair share of trauma and anxiety, and it’s understandable to lose sight of the things for which we should be grateful. I know I’m guilty of forgetting to practice gratitude and taking time to be thankful. When …

Forgive Your Past Self So Your Future Self Can Grow

Self-growth is not easy. Sometimes, we realize things about ourselves that we need to change in order to be the best version of ourselves. We all have negative habits, and sometimes we don’t see that they’re negative until they cause harm to ourselves or others. When that happens, we realize we need to make a change. Sometimes it’s small, sometimes …

You Are Stronger Than You Think

Remember all of those days you thought you couldn’t get through? Well, here you are. You are so much stronger than you think. There’s a country song that says, “What I thought was going to be the death of me, ended up being my saving grace”. I remember thinking that leaving my last relationship would legit kill me and that …