If you’re not a naturally trusting person, allowing yourself to trust others can be a difficult process. For a very long time, I was the type of person that put up barriers and couldn’t let anyone in for fear that they’d let me down. I had a hard time believing people when they told me their intentions, and I would …
You Are a Beautiful Work in Progress
We are all a work in progress. No one has it figured out, everyone is constantly learning and growing and changing. It’s really easy to beat ourselves up for being a work in progress and for not having it all together. But how beautiful is it to realize that you don’t have to be in this space of self-criticizing forever? …
Find the Best Version of You
One of my favorite things about my journey of self-discovery and self-care is the process of finding the best version of myself. I’ve been writing this blog for about a year now, and as I continue writing, I continue learning more and more about who I am and what I need. I started writing this blog when I was fairly …
You Are More Than Your To-Do List
Take a break. You’re worth it. The truest words to be spoken. If you’ve been following along with my recent posts, then you know I’ve been struggling a lot lately. I’ve been putting pressure on myself like no other which has led me to be self-critical and overwork myself. In turn, I’ve felt disconnected, helpless and emotional. I knew I …
Don’t Let Fear of Failure Control You
I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of something to write about this week, and nothing was coming to mind. I realized that the reason I’m having such a hard time coming up with a topic is that I’ve had a good week. I’ve been productive, I’ve accomplished goals, and I’m moving forward in life. Then it hit me. …
Don’t Compare Yourself. Where You Are is Beautiful
Our lives can be full of comparison. We might feel like we are always falling short. We see someone else living the “perfect” life or experiencing the “perfect” relationship, and we feel like what we have isn’t good enough. We look at where we once were and get frustrated with ourselves that we might not be in that space anymore. …
Practice Small Acts of Self-Care
This week, I heard that only 7-8% of Americans practice self-care. That statistic really surprised me at first. As I started to think about it more, though, it made sense. We’re all busy, and self-care seems like a lot of extra work if you haven’t started practicing it. As someone who enjoys running, it reminds me of trying to get …
Recognize the Love You Deserve
It goes without saying that the past year has been one of the most challenging in recent history for nearly everyone. We all know what we’ve gone through globally, nationally, and individually. Through all of the hardships, heartbreak, and loss, though, we have persevered. Over the past 12 months, I’ve endured challenges I never expected to experience, and it all …
It’s Okay if Your Self-Care Looks Different Right Now
It’s okay if your self-care routine looks different right now, or is requiring more effort. A friend and I talked about this recently and I realized how true this is. Is that walk you used to take that made everything a lot better, just not cutting it anymore? Does taking that walk feel more like a chore than a release? …
There is Beauty in Passion
The other day, I saw a TikTok about being passionate. The scenario is one person asking someone else about what they were really passionate about as a kid, and the other person’s eyes light up as she starts talking about what her childhood passion was. Eventually, though, she starts to feel self-conscious and apologizes for rambling. The first person stops …