Meet Kelly, a student at Mount St. Joseph University, who lives with anorexia, depression, anxiety, and has experienced self harm in the past. Kelly was first hospitalized when she was just 17 years old. And we are so proud of her for seeking help even when those around her doubted the need, she knew something wasn’t right and insisted on getting herself …
‘Ask Dr. Julie’ Answers All on IG
Dr. Julie Groveman is a licensed clinical psychologist, with a private practice in Manhattan, specializing in working with adults and teens. With compassion and focus, Julie is committed to helping you heal from the past and to rediscover your Inner Strength. Her work focuses on helping you to shift negative patterns, to become the most authentic and empowered version of …
I’m J.B. and This Is My #iAM1N5 Journey…
Meet J.B. Whitehouse, who turned a life of addiction to mask severe depression and anxiety into a career of helping others overcome the same obstacles he once faced. Thanks, J.B. for being brave enough to get help, to share your story and to now help others! ‘Before I got sober, I thought I was terminally unique, that no one had ever …
I’m Kate and This Is My #iAM1N5 Journey…
Meet Kate, a Turpin High School student, who lives with emetophobia (the fear of vomiting) and depression. She explains how no matter what she’s doing the fear is in the back of her mind and she’s consumed with thinking of ways to prevent it. Kate found finally receiving a diagnosis relieving because it validated her feelings. Now she’s finding help through exposure …
I’m Nick and this is my 1N5 journey…
Meet Nick, a senior at Summit Country Day, who lives with clinical depression, anxiety disorder, and suicidal thoughts. He explains how his sleep issues, extreme fatigue, and wanting to “melt into the couch” were overlooked symptoms until he realized it was all connected to his mental health. Nick’s goal is to create a society where people talk about their mental …
My Whole World Was Anxiety…
I am a senior at Anderson High School. Throughout my life I’ve had many mental challenges. When I was little my dad passed away and since then I have dealt with extreme anxiety and compulsions. I would be scared all the time of dying or of other people dying and have tendencies to do small rituals thinking that would save …
Lauren’s 1N5 Journey
My name is Lauren, I am a junior at the University of Cincinnati and I live with depression and generalized anxiety disorder, and have experienced suicide ideations in the past. Growing up, people would probably have described me as a happy, positive, motivated and a social girl. But in my sophomore year of college, things started to spiral out of …
I’m Justin and this is my 1N5 journey…
Meet Justin who is sharing his brave journey with depression and how the ripple effect of trauma and mental illness can impact everyone in a family. We thank Justin for being so incredibly strong and outspoken! His story is so relatable and will save lives!
I’m Lindy and this is my 1N5 journey…
Meet Lindy, a freshman at The Ohio State University, who lives with anxiety and has experienced depressive episodes. She explains what it felt like to “always dread something that wasn’t there” and how her friends played a huge role in her seeking help. Lindy says, “Speaking out doesn’t mean that your weak. It means that you’re stronger than whatever is inside …
I’m Sydney and this is my 1N5 journey…
Meet Sydney, a local high school senior living beyond her depression, self-harm, and suicide ideation. At an early age, Sydney survived the trauma of physical and sexual abuse, bullying, and losing a parent. Her story is one of survival and triumph over circumstances that were out of her control and now she’s owning her painful past by telling her truth! …