I’m Allie and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Allie. She’s currently living with anxiety and depression and has also been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Allie is incredibly brave to talk openly about her mental health journey, what it’s like to get help and the comfort in joining others in recovery that understand exactly what you’re going through.

I’m Tullus and this is my #iAMWithYou story

Mental illness and suicide impact much more than just the life that’s lost. It impacts everyone who knew and loved the person struggling. Because of this far-reaching effect, 1N5 is introducing a new series, #iAMWithYou, which will feature personal stories of those who fought alongside those with mental illness and how the journey and/or loss has impacted their lives. Meet Tullus Dean, …

Youth Mental Health Innovation Challenge 2018

beth dulle

STUDENTS WANTED for Cincinnati’s Inaugural YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH INNOVATION CHALLENGE IGNITE. INNOVATE. IMPLEMENT. 1N5, in partnership with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, the University of Cincinnati, Interact for Health, and Design Impact, is hosting the city’s first-ever YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH INNOVATION CHALLENGE. We are looking for 100 outstanding game-changing youth and 40 mentors to develop innovative solutions to today’s mental health issues with the …

I’m Megan and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Megan, a University of Toledo student who lives with depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal ideation. Megan wants to spend her whole life telling people that “your life is worth living and there are ways to survive anything that you’re going through.” Thanks, Megan, for being brave enough to share your story! You are empowering others and saving lives!