I’m Sydney and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Sydney, a local high school senior living beyond her depression, self-harm, and suicide ideation. At an early age, Sydney survived the trauma of physical and sexual abuse, bullying, and losing a parent. Her story is one of survival and triumph over circumstances that were out of her control and now she’s owning her painful past by telling her truth! …

I’m Allie and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Allie. She’s currently living with anxiety and depression and has also been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Allie is incredibly brave to talk openly about her mental health journey, what it’s like to get help and the comfort in joining others in recovery that understand exactly what you’re going through.

I’m Tullus and this is my #iAMWithYou story

Mental illness and suicide impact much more than just the life that’s lost. It impacts everyone who knew and loved the person struggling. Because of this far-reaching effect, 1N5 is introducing a new series, #iAMWithYou, which will feature personal stories of those who fought alongside those with mental illness and how the journey and/or loss has impacted their lives. Meet Tullus Dean, …

I’m Michael and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Michael, a University of Cincinnati student who lives with anxiety, depression, and suicide ideation. Michael candidly share his struggles with mental illness, his path to recovery, and how he’s breaking the mental health stigma for other UC students by creating the Bearcat Support Network.

I’m Brooke and this is my 1N5 journey…

Last Saturday, we were so honored to have The Ohio State University student and Mariemont City Schools graduate, Brooke Kelly speak about her journey, the spiral, the people that helped her seek treatment, and the continuing need for empathy in our society. To share the details of her story with such vulnerability and honesty, Brooke proved that she is living beyond her diagnosis on …

I’m Nick and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Nick Goepper, an Olympic & X Games medalist who’s won gold, silver, and bronze medals for his talents on the slopes; however, he still struggles with highs and lows just like the rest of us. We hope you find inspiration and empowerment from listening to his story, a story he shared live with those that attended our annual Spring4Life …

I’m Molly and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Molly Sullivan, a Miami University student, who lives with anxiety and has experienced depression in her past. Molly speaks about what it’s like to be screaming for help on the inside but yet so fearful to say the words. Luckily, she had a great friend by her side that helped her voice what she couldn’t say on her own.

I’m Megan and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Megan, a University of Toledo student who lives with depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal ideation. Megan wants to spend her whole life telling people that “your life is worth living and there are ways to survive anything that you’re going through.” Thanks, Megan, for being brave enough to share your story! You are empowering others and saving lives!