Get yourself moving and give your brain a chance to recharge with this FULL BODY Rock, Paper, Scissors game! Grab a partner and follow along with Courtney from Mission2Move as she teaches you how to play!
Brain Break: Raining Tacos
Need a little break to get your body moving and give your brain a chance to reset? Follow along with this Raining Tacos dance by Courtney from Mission2Move! Get your whole family to join in for a dance party!
Brain Break: Transformer Challenge
On Friday, April 3rd, Courtney from Mission2Move led a Transformer Challenge to transform your bodies (and minds) for a quick brain break! Watch the video to follow along with the quick challenge!
Brain Break: Pirate Playtime
On Monday, March 30th, Mission2Move shared a Pirate Playtime video to give you a brain break during this time where many of you are starting remote learning. When you need a break, just follow this pirate’s lead to get your body moving, your mind a rest, and to reset your focus! Click here to watch the video!
Brain Break: Cardio Challenge
On Monday, March 23rd, Courtney from Mission2Move shared an exercise sequence to kick off your week and break up your children’s schoolwork or just get your body moving. Click here to watch and follow along! Check back Friday for a new M2M video to close out the week! If you would like to share a video to #spreadlovenotgerms and #bemindfulnotfearful during this …