Ashley’s #iam1N5 Story

When I was a senior in high school I was very suicidal. I would sit with medicine in my hand night after night wondering if I would have the guts. I knew I didn’t want to die- I just didn’t want to feel what I was feeling. Thankfully I confided in a friend. Since then I have seen multiple counselors …

I’m Patrick and this is my 1N5 journey…

It’s #WarriorWednesday! Meet Patrick, former UC quarterback, who lives with severe anxiety, mild depression, and perfectionism. As a successful athlete at an early age, Patrick experienced perfectionism at it’s highest which led to crippling anxiety, and also, sadly he experienced bullying even from his own teammates. Now, as an adult he’s driven to be successful following his passions of owning his …

Show Up For Yourself

How often do you show up for other people? Is it the same amount that you show up for yourself? How often are you complimenting others? Is it the same amount that you are complimenting yourself? How often do you show compassion to others? Is it the same amount of love and compassion you show to yourself? If your answer …

A New Approach to An Old Dream

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Being an athlete defined me. I ran track from the age of 8 to 22. The first question when I saw old friends was often centered around track. Until this day, people still greet me as the “track star”. You could imagine that when I decided to hang up my spikes, not pursue a …

I’m Tyler and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Tyler, who is overcoming alcoholism one day at a time and has been sober for FIVE YEARS now! Tyler’s story is so relatable and honest. He remembers the period of denial and comparison to others: “No. I’m just like everyone else. I go out. I have fun. I get hammered. I move on. Except…I couldn’t. Because I can see …

Within Every ‘No’, There’s a ‘Yes’

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You So often we begin to chase after a goal that we have, and all we hear from everyone is no. “No you can’t do that, no you shouldn’t do that, no that isn’t possible, no we can’t help you, no, no, no, no”. Hearing no from people when we present our ideas is discouraging, …

My Story Continues

My Story Continued… Hi, My name is Olivia Griffith, you probably recognize my name from my original 1N5 video I did less than a year ago. Trust me, I didn’t think I’d be writing another piece to share with the world another diagnosis and it’s not easy. I have written a piece for “Love Thy Enemy” on top of my …

Lauren’s 1N5 Journey

My name is Lauren, I am a junior at the University of Cincinnati and I live with depression and generalized anxiety disorder, and have experienced suicide ideations in the past. Growing up, people would probably have described me as a happy, positive, motivated and a social girl. But in my sophomore year of college, things started to spiral out of …