2018, Thank You!

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You 2018 has come to a close. 365 days came and went in a blink of an eye. This year, I finally learned to love myself. This year, I learned to let go easier, love harder and do what is best for me. This year, I said yes more to new experiences and no more …


You can help 1N5 WIN $5,000 – which is enough to fund sustainable evidence-based mental health and suicide prevention programming in ONE LOCAL SCHOOL! All you have to do is, nominate/vote for your favorite nonprofit (1N5 – James Miller Foundation, of course). (It only takes 14 seconds, we promise!) And…just for nominating us, YOU WILL BE ENTERED TO WIN a …

How Emma’s Smashing Stigma By Sharing Her Story

As a varsity field hockey player in high school, I wanted to be the best. I wanted to work harder, run faster, and be a more skillful athlete than anyone else on the field. I started eating “clean” and running outside of practice time. I became increasingly obsessed with my reflection in the mirror and the calories on my plate. …

I’m Nick and this is my 1N5 journey…

Meet Nick, a senior at Summit Country Day, who lives with clinical depression, anxiety disorder, and suicidal thoughts. He explains how his sleep issues, extreme fatigue, and wanting to “melt into the couch” were overlooked symptoms until he realized it was all connected to his mental health. Nick’s goal is to create a society where people talk about their mental …

Who You Are Is A Gift

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You For so long, I wanted to be someone else. I spent hours scrolling through social media thinking, “She is so pretty, I wish I was pretty like her”, “I wish I was fast and skinny like her”, “I wish I had money like them”. I kept chasing a reality of someone’s else’s life, because …

My Whole World Was Anxiety…

I am a senior at Anderson High School. Throughout my life I’ve had many mental challenges. When I was little my dad passed away and since then I have dealt with extreme anxiety and compulsions. I would be scared all the time of dying or of other people dying and have tendencies to do small rituals thinking that would save …

I’m Patrick and this is my 1N5 journey…

It’s #WarriorWednesday! Meet Patrick, former UC quarterback, who lives with severe anxiety, mild depression, and perfectionism. As a successful athlete at an early age, Patrick experienced perfectionism at it’s highest which led to crippling anxiety, and also, sadly he experienced bullying even from his own teammates. Now, as an adult he’s driven to be successful following his passions of owning his …

Show Up For Yourself

How often do you show up for other people? Is it the same amount that you show up for yourself? How often are you complimenting others? Is it the same amount that you are complimenting yourself? How often do you show compassion to others? Is it the same amount of love and compassion you show to yourself? If your answer …

A New Approach to An Old Dream

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Being an athlete defined me. I ran track from the age of 8 to 22. The first question when I saw old friends was often centered around track. Until this day, people still greet me as the “track star”. You could imagine that when I decided to hang up my spikes, not pursue a …