On Saturday, April 4th, Pete Mesrin, LPCC-S, talked about how social isolation, caused by social distancing, can impact depression. He recommends staying connected, staying active, and staying positive to beat those social isolation blues! Watch the video for more on how to battle depression during social distancing.
Brain Break: Transformer Challenge
On Friday, April 3rd, Courtney from Mission2Move led a Transformer Challenge to transform your bodies (and minds) for a quick brain break! Watch the video to follow along with the quick challenge!
Your Parent Superpower: Co-Regulation
On Thursday, April 2nd, Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart, PsyD, ABPP of A New Day Pediatric Psychology, shared a video discussing the importance of co-regulation in parenting. What is Co-Regulation and Self Regulation? Why is it important for parents and children? Co-Regulation occurs before self-regulation. Co-Regulation is the ability to monitor, to discipline, to be able to keep yourself in balance when …
Allie Shares Her #CopingwithCOVID Story
On Wednesday, April 1st, Allie Owen shared how she is #CopingwithCOVID by creating a routine in these uncertain times. She talks about how having a routine can help relieve stress. She also says not to put too much pressure on yourself right now. It’s okay if you’re just doing your best!
Pat Shares His Routine During Coronavirus
On Tuesday, March 31st, Pat Coyne, founder of Black Sheep Performance, shared how he’s spending the coronavirus quarantine time focusing on personal growth. He has been able to establish and maintain a routine, and he says starting the day by writing in his gratitude journal prepares him to face the day with a positive mindset.
I Hope This Tough Time Teaches Us that We All Have Mental Health
When I first heard about coronavirus, I felt the way many of us felt, that it was sad what was happening but felt too far away to feel real to us or to see that it was a big deal. The classic, “this won’t affect me” mindset. Growing up, I always thought mental health problems was someone else’s problem. I …
Brain Break: Pirate Playtime
On Monday, March 30th, Mission2Move shared a Pirate Playtime video to give you a brain break during this time where many of you are starting remote learning. When you need a break, just follow this pirate’s lead to get your body moving, your mind a rest, and to reset your focus! Click here to watch the video!
Teresa Shares Breathing and Yoga Practices
On Sunday, March 29th, Teresa Eigel from Om The Day shared ways to use breathing and yoga practices to work through the stress and anxiety many of us are feeling right now. Follow along as she teaches these practices!
Parenting with a Plan: Homebound Edition
On Thursday, March 26th, Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart, PsyD, ABPP, of A New Day Pediatric Psychology discussed parenting under the new shelter-in-place order. With the current global health crisis, your work may have been suspended or switched to flexible work arrangements. Local stores are closed to avoid crowds. Your favorite restaurant is only allowing for carryout orders. The most common is …
Georgia Shares Her #iAM1N5 Journey…
Meet Georgia, a high school student who is sharing her journey of living with genetic anxiety and recovering from depression. She was born with generalized anxiety and recalls small signals growing up, which gradually got bigger as she got older, but she recalls experiencing depression due to a toxic friendship. She began showing signs of depression, withdrawing from friends and …