Some Days We Struggle, That’s Okay

I was at a NAMI support group the other night as they always bring in guest speakers. At the end of the speech, which turned into more of a discussion, one of the attendees told me I should be a motivational speaker and another told me I should write. I chuckled because I currently do both of those things. The …

You Can Feel Your Feelings And Still Be Strong

Being strong doesn’t mean you are always happy or that you are hiding your feelings, appearing to the outside world that you are okay. Even though that is what society tells us being strong means, being strong actually means having the faith in hard times, but still allowing yourself to feel how you feel. Being strong means having the courage …

Find Your Peaks of Sunshine Through the Rain

There was a track meet we had in high school and I remember the day before freaking out to my teammates that it was going to rain, which in my eyes, would ruin the entire meet. The weather forecast said there was an 75% chance of rain. And I remember my teammate saying, “well there’s a 25% chance it won’t …

You Are Worthy of Your Tomorrow

I remember so clearly a question that was asked during one of my speeches. The question that was asked was, “Do you think you’ve won your fight?”. He asked me that question because during my speeches, I always focus on reminding each of us that we are worthy of this fight for our lives. And after sharing my story of …

Hold Onto Your Small Moments of Joy

Writing this blog post, I am sitting on the waterfront of Alexandria, VA, watching the life of Washington, DC right across the water and I thought about all the life happening all around us that we constantly watch pass us by. And then I felt sadness for all of those who couldn’t see the beauty of today, because they had …

When You Enjoy the Journey, Magic Happens

My fiance and I spent some time joking around trying to learn a salsa dance to a YouTube video and I told him how stiff he looked. I told him, “Don’t try too hard, because that’s when you mess up. Just have fun with it.” In that moment, I said, “wow, what a blog post”, and now here we are. …