Good old Facebook memories either have you cringing at your 13-year-old self, or reflecting really deeply. This morning I was on the reflecting side. I was reminded of a post from 2013 after our first round at DII nationals for the 4×400. We performed terribly. We were completely doubtful of ourselves and we could see the doubt in each other’s …
Cheers to 100 Blogs of Self-Growth for You & Me!
I didn’t know what to write about this week, so I asked my fiance what would be a good topic and he mentioned how I might be getting close to my 100th post, and guess what? This is actually my 100th post! I figured this would be a great time to reflect. 100 posts of self-love, positivity, motivation, and mental …
Be Patient With Yourself, You’re Doing the Best You Can
Today has been one of those days where I woke up not feeling great, and then looked at my phone to be filled with upsetting news. And from there, it just felt like everything kept making me upset, I kept second-guessing myself. It’s easy to become consumed in the fact that it seems that other people have it all together, …
Don’t Let Coronavirus Ruin Your Dreams
by: Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Coronavirus has taken a lot away from so many of us. But I remain grateful that my family and friends remain healthy and safe during this time. However, coronavirus has taken away my financial stability, my valued time spent with loved ones, and my wedding. It has been frustrating to say the least. I …
Stepping Out of Comfort Zones, Stepping Into Beautiful Growth
Staring at the screen with my slides before my presentation, I thought to myself, “I never thought in a million years that I would be public speaking, or that I would be sharing my story, or that sharing my story would be my job.” I’ve realized over the years how many times I have had to push myself outside of …
We May Lose Ourselves, But We Can Always Find Our Way Back
Maybe this time was meant to happen for me. Maybe things were going too fast and this was a way for me to slow down. A huge part of me felt overwhelmed. How could I ever handle all these speaking engagements, manage a city-wide event, work a part-time job, maintain a relationship with my fiance and myself, and plan a …
Brain Break: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Get yourself moving and give your brain a chance to recharge with this FULL BODY Rock, Paper, Scissors game! Grab a partner and follow along with Courtney from Mission2Move as she teaches you how to play!
Put Trust in the Universe, Everything Will Work Out
Put trust in the universe. Relinquish control. Everything will work out. I keep telling myself that as these days at home become increasingly more difficult. Life is so different right now. It can feel fun and exciting at times to try new things or have more meaningful conversations or to spend more time outside. But it can also feel really …
Do What Makes You Happy
Katherine is sharing how she’s still keeping it moving during quarantine and finding time to fit in doing what she loves! Hope all of you warriors are doing the same!
I Hope This Tough Time Teaches Us that We All Have Mental Health
When I first heard about coronavirus, I felt the way many of us felt, that it was sad what was happening but felt too far away to feel real to us or to see that it was a big deal. The classic, “this won’t affect me” mindset. Growing up, I always thought mental health problems was someone else’s problem. I …