Castin Speaks His Mind for Mental Health Month

It’s #WarriorWednesday and Castin, a local high school senior, is here to share his powerful story as part of our #speakyourmind series for #mentalhealthmonth. (**Trigger Warning**) I did anything to convince my peers/myself that I was just like everyone else.  My classmates saw right through me, though.  Whenever someone called me “faggot/gay” in any context whether trying to get on …

@Fleurdelisspeaks from Instagram Shares How Handwritten Self-Love Notes Have Changed Her Life

On January 9, 2018, life came crashing into me out of nowhere and rocked me to my core. Literally. I was hit from behind in a motor vehicle accident on my way to work that morning, sustained a concussion, and a traumatic brain injury. And I haven’t been the same since… It’s crazy hard. To type. To read. To accept. To …

Emily Shares Her Mental Health Story As Part of Our #SpeakYourMind Series

My first signs of depression began when I was 12 years old.  I was bullied for years and became progressively more and more depressed.  I felt worthless and craved attention.  I put myself in vulnerable and dangerous positions and began distancing myself from those who actually loved me.  I could not find a way to escape the pain I was …

Trainer, Therapist and B3 Founder Talks About Merging Physical & Mental Wellness in Her Takeover

Kristen Feemster, a therapist, personal trainer, and the founder of Believe. Be Free. Be Well. LLC (B3) is taking over our instagram this week! Her passion for emotional and physical wellness has laid the foundation for B3’s mission of moving others towards freedom! As a woman of color in recovery, Kristen understands the importance of working through the hard stuff …

A Survivor’s #iAM1N5 Journey…

It’s #WarriorWednesday and also the first day of  Mental Health Month and today we are showing our love for everyone out there surviving and thriving by sharing the journey of one of our brave warriors who survived severe emotional, psychological, and financial abuse from her partner. But with the help of the Lindner Center of Hope, she survived. She’s strong. And she’s …

Finding Balance

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Have you ever sat on a seesaw and tried to make it level out in perfect balance? It’s pretty difficult! Life can often look like that, a very difficult balancing act. In life, we are often trying to juggle multiple jobs, multiple demands, multiple friends and multiple feelings. How can we possibly handle being …

Shirts That Stop Stigma – Limited Time Only – More Styles Added!

**Due to an overwhelming response, we have added additional designs and styles to choose from so that we can create even MORE awareness during and beyond #MentalHealthMonth. For a LIMITED TIME only, 1N5 is offering a new way to support evidence-based mental health programming in local, Greater Cincinnati schools, through the purchase of apparel with five powerful, stigma-reducing messages in …