Dr. Finch Discusses Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder on #FreeYourMindFriday

With a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Dr. Hayden Finch is passionate about understanding and treating schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other severe and persistent mental illnesses.  In addition to developing outpatient and residential treatment programs for severe mental illness in graduate school, she was involved in mental health policy and legislation advocacy.  During her clinical internship, …

I’m Stacey and This Is My #iAM1N5 Journey…

Meet Stacey, a mother, wife, and scientist who’s been living with anxiety and depression since her teen years and is also a trauma survivor. Her message is one of perseverance, resilience, transparency and hope…and we love her for every bit of it! Stacey B. Lane, you are brave, strong and a huge inspiration to all our Warriors out there! #warriorwednesday #mentalhealth #stopthestigma

The Strength in Speaking Your Truth

For most of my life, I was terrified to tell my truth for fear of being judged, labeled as weak, or ridiculed. For most of my life, I have craved external validation and acceptance from others. During the majority of my past relationships, I was made to feel small after I spoke up about how I felt. Even though I …

Healthy Relationships Are Key to Maintaining Optimal Mental Health

Dr. Diane, a licensed clinical psychologist is taking over our Instagram on January 25, 2018 to discuss all things love! Head over to the Gram to ask her all of your relationship/dating questions! Dr. Diane works with both individual and couples and as a Love Expert, she practices in the Northern California Bay area. If you want to find out …

Trust the Perfect Timing of the Universe

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You How easy is it for you to trust what the universe has planned for your life? I am a planner by nature and I have always wanted to have some type of control over my plan. I also always desire to have some control over the outcome. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work this way, and …

Pediatric Psychologist, Author and Parent Coach Takes Over 1N5’s IG

We are so excited to have Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart, a Pediatric Psychologist, author and parent coach, who is Board Certified in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology,  take over our Instagram on Friday, January 18, 2019. Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart is a Pediatric Psychologist and Board Certified in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. She is the President/Owner at A New Day Pediatric …

Love Yourself Enough To Keep Growing

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You This journey of self-love has been the most beautiful one for me, to fully embrace myself as I am and want to show the world the true Ivy, without holding back for fear of being judged, like I used to in the past. However, even though I have learned to love myself exactly as …

My Imperfection is My Favorite Part About Me

by Ivy from Beautifully Simply You Today I turn 26! 25 was a really great year for me, and at 25 I realized that most of my entire life I was searching for perfection, but that my search for perfection kept me from recognizing that I needed help and kept me from telling my story. The chase for perfection began …

I’m Kate and This Is My #iAM1N5 Journey…

Meet Kate, a Turpin High School student, who lives with emetophobia (the fear of vomiting) and depression. She explains how no matter what she’s doing the fear is in the back of her mind and she’s consumed with thinking of ways to prevent it. Kate found finally receiving a diagnosis relieving because it validated her feelings. Now she’s finding help through exposure …